Tabbycat00 Member


  • I have a digital journal, a digital bullet journal, a physical journal, a paper planner, and about a million small notebooks.
  • Extremely positive. I was anorexic and terrified of food and eating. Thanks to counting calories I can keep that feeling of "control" while staying at a healthy weight.
  • I accidentally swallowed toothpaste and looked up the calories to add. In case you're wondering, it's 15.
  • I quit drinking as a New Year's resolution (kinda). My best friend was giving up sugar (and that wasn't going to happen for me) and I wanted to support her by giving up something so I chose alcohol. It's been 7 months...almost 8. Haven't noticed a change in weight since I always counted the calories but I'm not as puffy.…
  • I'm close to you in stats at 5'2 & 97. When I want to tone up and look more cut I increase my weights and change what I eat by adding more protein but stay at about 1400 calories in total. For me that makes enough of a difference to make me happy. You could try eating the same amount and lifting first and if you aren't…
  • I technically have an "underweight" bmi (17.7) but everything functions fine. Blood work is good, ran a marathon, had a baby, hit middle age...still have a bmi of 17.7. I think it's just the way some of us are made. I wouldn't worry.
    in Low BMI Comment by Tabbycat00 July 2017
  • You look amazing. Go out there and rock that bikini. Enjoy your summer.
  • I think your body composition would also play a role. Even working to fatigue, at 40 years of age & 98 lbs. I'm not going to burn what a 150lb 18 year old will in the same amount of time.
  • This is the first summer I've been truly confident at the pool and on the beach. The sad thing is, I don't weigh any less or look any different (except maybe the wrinkles) than I did 20 years ago. I am, and have always been, under 100 lbs. I just have always felt horrible about my figure and picked at myself. Somewhere…
  • I'm 40 with a slim build (5'2" 98lbs) & have had cellulite since I was 21. Training for a marathon didn't change it, teaching 4 45minute spin classes in a row didn't change it, strength training has changed nothing for me (other than, you know, I'm stronger). The only time it was slightly diminished was when I was 8 or 9…
  • Hi fellow shorties! I'm 5'2. I'm at my goal weight...but still short. Open to all friends.
  • It takes 3500 excess calories to make a pound which is relative to each person's metabolism. I know from experience that I can eat 1400 calories (give or take about 50) and maintain my weight. I've been doing it for 18 years. And, I eat whatever I want as long as it's in my calorie range. I don't know how it works exactly…
  • I don't know if you'd call me "curvy", but I'm an hourglass (34-23-34). I do a lot of body weight exercises. Squats, lunges, sit ups, planks, and push ups.
  • I reviewed a Fitbit (one of the first models) for a tech blog years ago. If I had eaten the number of calories the Fitbit told me I could have to maintain my weight (98) I would have starved to death (literally, it was coming in between 700-800). MyFitnessPal gives me some crazy number like 1700 calories to maintain my…
  • Podcasts all the way. Or audio books.
  • Actually, I'm 40 and will still have weeks like this and not gain weight. The trick is I count every calorie and if I have a bad week, I try to make it up with a good week. If my calorie limit is 1400 and all of my calories came from cookies and pizza (happens) I try for 1400 calories of veggies and grilled fish the next…
  • Would bridges work?
  • I have little hacks I use to beef up my fitness routine like holding a plank while playing blocks, doing squats while food warms up in the microwave and putting dumbbells at the bottom of the laundry basket. It's silly but it helps.
  • I used to tie being the "smallest" in the room to my identity as though I had nothing to offer other than being the anorexic girl. It was a very sad way to live.
  • A Milky Way bar with a cup of coffee.
  • Just from personal experience, the montra "a calorie is just a calorie" has worked well for me. I've maintained my current weight since 1995 after recovering from anorexia. Sometimes I choose the grilled fish and sometimes I eat a Milky Way bar for breakfast (because it's better to get 240 calories of junk than nothing at…
  • Talking to someone is probably the best solution. If you don't use food to sabotage yourself you may turn to other things if the issue isn't dealt with. If you don't have the resources for a therapist maybe seek out a pastor (if you have one) or even keep a journal
  • I think genes play a major role (roll? Lol) I'm 5'2" my highest weight was 119 on the day I gave birth to my daughter. I've maintained 92-100 pounds all of my adult life and I've always had loose skin. Always. Came in handy when I was pregnant, no stretch marks. I asked a plastic surgeon about it once and he said there was…
  • I've added "friends" but I don't really pay attention or communicate with anyone. I'm really just here to count calories. Works just fine. I think the experience is pretty customizable. For me, personally, I'm not really motivated by what others do. Just because someone else eats veggies, doesn't mean I'm going to. I think…
  • I'm an obsessive calorie counter and have been since the 90s. I'm not looking to lose weight or to gain, just hang out here where I've been...since the 90s when I recovered (was treated) for anorexia. Counting calories gives me comfort and a weird sense of control. If it helps you, I think it's ok.
  • I'm 5'2 with a 22" waist and I don't feel like I'm too tiny. I sometimes have issues with finding jeans that fit (my biggest pet peeve is when someone says "shop in the children's department" because that doesn't work).
  • I actually (am crazy, I know) but use a combo of MyFitness Pal and Lose it! The Lose it! app dominates on pre-logging. That said, I do it all the time. Especially when I have a lot of work to do. I like the control. I like planning. I'm one of those people who pays for calendar apps, has a day planner, keeps a…
  • Hi, I'm Carolyn. I've been in recovery from anorexia since 1995. I had a set back after giving birth to my daughter in 2015. Although both physically and mentally I'm in a really good place right now it was humbling to see that I could still fall back into that disordered behavior.