moodyfam9 Member


  • Tastes GOOD? I don't mind the taste at all but I don't think I would go that far. Losing weight is a total bonus. I told myself that the blood pressure was the big deal but I love that it is a contributing factor in my weight loss.
  • Eat bigger on the weekends? Of course!
  • Thanks. I work with a couple of fitness nuts and they warned me of the same concern when I told them about Soylent. Both also strongly suggested the workouts and staggering my calorie intake. The workout makes perfect sense. Staggering intake seems natural with weekends. I've read that some do it intentionally to try and…
  • Not sure why my post looks like a quote. Sorry . . . I don't know how to repair and I'm posting without glasses. Major contributing factor I'm sure.
  • Total calories vary. Friday/Saturday are generally 2000-3000 since it's date night Friday and I take the kids out Saturdays. Sundays usually around 1000-1300 Weekdays are usually 1200-1600 Workouts are generally 30-60 minutes m-f The idea for me now with soylent is to use it when I sleep in so I don't overeat later in the…
  • Update . . . using soylent only to replace breakfast or lunch when time is an issue. That is usually one or both daily. Down 25 pounds and blood pressure is regularly around 120/80 now. It's been about seven weeks now.
  • Almost forgot to mention my original concern. My weight was secondary to my blood pressure. After a week I've gone from 141/90 to 120/83.
  • I started using soylent eight days ago and I'm down eight pounds. I generally use it to replace everything on weekdays. My plan is to enjoy weekend eating and not lose my mind. I found no issue with tempting food during the week. I even signed up for a gym membership that I plan to continue using in place of the time I…
  • Guilt vs. motivation . . . Reading through this thread I felt minor guilt running through a fast food joint getting traditional burger, fries, and drink telling myself it was just this one time. Three days in a row with guilt didn't change a thing. In fact, I felt more guilt and ate more at night. I read through a few more…
  • Look what you've started Ashley. For me I confess that I love meat. After calorie counting I decided I didn't love meat for a while. After actually reviewing my calorie counting with more interest I found that many meats weren't the problem. A harmless peanut butter sandwich almost killed my day! Calories in vs. Calories…