daniwilford Member


  • If you can't feel much the drug or dosage is incorrect. Speaking from experience weening off can be challenging even if you are under a doctors supervision.
  • I weigh everyday, the number fluctuates but it is data and I am a data nut! I also like mini goals so I do measurements(weekly), photos(monthly) and clothing. I celebrate every victory!
  • For me I did years of therapy and medication. Two to three years ago my medication stopped working. I had to try a new combination of meds. It was amazing to me what a difference it makes. If one medication or combination does not work, you may need to keep trying. I have a psychiatrist that I trust to help me. After years…
  • Both of the common artificial sweeteners cause me to have loose stools when I use more than 1 or 2 servings a day. I love my diet Pepsi. Pure Stevia does not have this effect for me so I use it when possible. I will have to try Monkfruit sweetener.
  • MFP is a tool just like a hammer. If you want to drive a nail it is a good tool. If you hit your thumb then it sucks. Sounds to me like you were purposefully punishing yourself with this tool. It is probably more healthy for you to leave. Blessings.
  • Also looking for high protein low calorie foods. Keep it simple please.
  • I eat only when I am hungry most days. However, if I have a fitness class or a big workout planned for the day, I will eat an hour before to fuel that workout if I have not eaten recently. If I do not eat before, I am ravenous after and tend to want to over eat.
  • I found myself doing this frequently but not purposefully. So I have adapted to it well I just finished my first meal of the day at 1 pm and hope to be sleeping by 9 pm. I don't even think about wanting food before noon. PT's and other weight loss experts have tried to persuade me that this is not a good way to eat at a…
  • I have used WW many times and MFP. For me they work equally well, but MFP is free!
  • Maintaining at 165 lbs will require you to eat less and/or move more than maintaining at 170 pounds. Those diets you mention will help you lose 5 lbs of water really fast and if you go back to your regular eating you will probably very quickly gain again. Any diet will help you lose weight if you eat fewer calories than…
  • If I do not weigh and log every bite I put in my mouth, I gain weight. 11 months of inconsistent logging resulted in a gain of 35 pounds of the 65 I originally lost. I continued to exercise, strength and cardio, I even picked up a Zumba class. I just have to accept the fact that I suck at intuitive eating. After reading…
  • 80 pounds is my goal as well. I am not putting any time limits on myself, I know the closer I get the slower the pounds come off. I will enjoy the speed while it lasts.
  • Great question. Eat body is different and in my experience each weight loss can be different as well. While CI<CO will result in weight loss the body doesn't always take inches equally from our surface area. There is no way I am aware of to predict where it will leave first. Detailed measurements will give a more realistic…
  • To the best of my limited ability, yes.
  • It is called friendship. In exchange for the help, you do get information. That information is available from other "free" sites as well.
  • Interesting, but I would never use it. I would like to adjust my weekly loss goal as I go along so that I am losing at maximum 1% of body weight as I go along. For example: the first month I would lose ten pounds and the last month 1 pound.
  • People who see you everyday are less likely to notice, especially if it is a gradual thing, until you have lost a significant amount. Last time after losing 35 pounds many people started to comment. Fortunately they didn't comment when I gained 35 pounds of the 63 I lost.
  • My best guess would be that it is a shoe problem. Are you wearing the correct shoe for your activity? Have you been fitted by a professional?
  • Wow that is an expensive 9 days! Even the title seems to be at odds with itself. Do this for nine days and you are clean forever? I have tried things like this before and I know it wouldn't be for me. Please come back in a month and let us know if, 1. You lasted the nine days. 2. You weigh less than you do today.
  • The people I know that did this had bad breath. I know of no proven health benefit of this way of eating over many other less restrictive ways of eating.
  • I wish there were as many posts about ways of thinking your way to a healthy weight, as there are about ways of eating yourself to a healthy weight.
  • Sugared soda pop, was a one way ticket to diabetes for me. I gave it up a couple of years ago. Even when I eat high carb and gain weight my blood sugar still has stayed in the pre-diabetes range. I gave it up completely for several months, I now drink diet soda in moderation. At first diet soda tasted awful to me but it is…
  • I would second the comment, if you weigh everyday, look at the trend. You are averaging a 2 pounds a week great job!
  • I could never make them work. I always ended up hangry or sick. I had a friend who used them long term and developed diverticulitis, due in part to lack of adequate fiber in her diet.
  • Because I am a short, 5'2", older, mid 50"s, female. It is difficult for me to be in a calorie deficit without exercise. Without exercise, I maintain at about 1500 calories. On my one rest day a week, I try to eat only 1200 calories, I would hate having to do that everyday to lose.
  • She is somewhere walking or running, she is on my fitbit feed. She out steps me consistently, week after week!
  • Congratulations, on your loss! You are so right about trusting the process. It has never let me down, sometimes the progress doesn't show as fast as I want it to. When I eat at a deficit, I lose. When I don't, I maintain. When I was gaining, I was consistently eating more than I was burning. While I haven't made it to my…
  • I gave up Pepsi cold turkey 50 weeks ago. Prior to that time I drank a liter or more a day. I have given it up before and relapsed. Diet Pepsi was is problematic, over 1 serving of Spenda, Aspartame or sugar alcohols cause issues with my digestive system. I had a diet Pepsi last September, the next day my cravings for…