mrjvsxiii Member


  • Thank you! I'm slightly seeing my upper abdomen muscles by doing the routine (eating scaled clean & healthy food. Elliptical exercise 4 times a week, 3 times a day with a time span of an hour each) that I've created thru research & questions but I feel like if I keep it up just to lose my lower belly fat which could take…
  • By the way I am not registered to a gym that is why I am asking here
  • Weight training is doing curls with dumbbells? & yes I've lost 15 pounds 2 weeks & barely seeing any progress on losing belly fat but I put a thought in my mind that it takes patience so I'm being patient specially that I barely started this journey/goal for only 2 weeks
  • I definitely scale my food that I consume. By the way I don't know much knowledge about fitness & nutrition to achieve my goal on losing belly fat & that is why I'm here asking questions. Therefore I thank you all for sharing your thoughts/experience
  • My calorie intake is around 1400/day. I burn of about the same while I do the elliptical
  • Oh & when I say I want to lose body fat I'm generally speaking of my lower belly & love handles. My top abdominal doesn't have much fat where I flex I can see a 4 pack
  • Yea my primary focus is to lose fat in the lower belly area along with the love handles. I've been doing eleptical machine for an 1 hour 3 times a day & 1 hour of night swimming a day as well. I plan to increase the time span as I build my stamina cuz I am out of shape. My eating habits has darastically improved by only…