It may not be necessary for everyone. Does it work or is it safe, yes. It a supplement, not a meal. It's a quick easy way to get protein after a workout or to supplement a meal. For many people especially bigger people with more muscle, it's hard to find the time and the food to hit the protein you need in a day. It can…
Take all info with a grain of salt. See how the foods make you feel. You can have bread, just eat in moderation and make sure it fits in your macros. Some options for breakfast: cottage cheese, yogurt, protein shake, whole grain waffle or pancake. If it fits within your daily intake of calories and it's a healthier option,…
100% you can't spot reduce. Try to focus workouts that have more of a focus on the arms to tone the muscle. The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn and it will give you a more toned look.
Do cardio daily. Stay in a 10-15 minute range from light to moderate to focus on burning fat and using it as fuel. You don't want to deplete your carbs as fuel and then tap into your protein source if you go to long. Especially if your trying to bulk. Hit between a 200-500 calorie surplus a day (it varies for everyone), to…
I would start with a lower weight in the 10-12 rep range 3-4 sets to build stability and muscle endurance. Once you have strength in the movements and good form you can increase the weights and reduce your rep range to 8-10. If you want to build size you can go heavier in the 5-8 rep range. I wouldn't move up in weight if…