Saryia Member


  • There's no "one meal" but anything with a significant amount of protein keeps me going all morning. Protein shakes are good when you're on the go.
  • 1. Weigh, measure and track EVERYTHING and put it into MFP 2. Eat a lot of protein, which is filling 3. Go for walks/runs daily for health reasons and appetite control 4. Avoid drinking calories 5. Eat a lot of fiber #1 is by far the most important. Currently doing keto but you can lose weight with any diet where your…
  • There is a lot more going on in a cell than a nucleus, I'm not sure why you're so fixated on the diagram considering that yours is only slightly more realistic.
  • YES this has happened to me! In fact this happens quite often. It might be more common in women due to hormonal reasons, since that time of the month can influence water retention. That's just speculation, however... In my case, what usually happens is that I don't lose ANYTHING for 1-3 weeks, then WOOSH weight loss all at…
  • You look amazing, OP :) And I can already relate to a lot of those points on your list...#9 in particular.
  • I read something about how apple cider vinegar can balance out your body's ph or something...don't quote me on this...supposedly drinking coffee, soda and juices can alter your ph, not sure how that's important or relevant. In any case...if you like the taste, it's really good! Dilute it with water, add cinnamon and a bit…
  • Good fats + protein, sources of omega 3's. If you have fish oil supplements, now would be a good time to take them. Breakfast ideas: Salmon on a bed of fresh spinach Eggs and steak Cheese + handful of almonds Cottage cheese or Greek yogurt You can try bulletproof coffee if you'd like, I'm not a fan but I know people who…
  • Mmm I love Panera! And yes, using the pdf linked by jnv should be helpful for you, although not as convenient as having the entries already in MFP.
    in Panera Comment by Saryia May 2015
  • I do a cheat meal once a week, if my body craves it. I've noticed that for me, the more I eat "clean" and less processed food, the less I "need" that cheat meal.
    in Cheat meals!? Comment by Saryia May 2015
  • Sounds like it could be blood sugar or nutritional deficiency. I personally take a multivitamin, iron, and a calcium/d/magnesium supplement (calcium/d/magnesium supplement separate from iron, they interfere with one another for absorption). Many people are deficient in magnesium and do not know it, and it can contribute to…
  • Hormones are a factor in appetite and vary from person to person. I know some people who actually forget to eat...I am not one of those people, lol. Eating a higher protein diet helps control appetite for me personally, though.
  • Neither, that sort of food is full of weird fillers and whatnot :/ But if you don't care about stuff like that then eat what you like best.
  • Oh wow, you have a lot of stuff going on! I'm sorry to hear about your mom. Even though you haven't met, that's got to be quite emotionally shocking to hear. I have a friend of mine who also had a benign tumor on her pituitary gland, she had surgery to have it removed. I'm not sure if that is possible for you, I'm sure…
  • I think the problem is that not everyone knows what they are or are not genetically predisposed towards. In context, the message "limit sugar" isn't necessarily a bad one. It's like the "watch your salt" recommendation that we've often heard--despite the fact that not everyone is reactive to sodium intake. But, in regards…
  • I don't see how it's possible for you to not be losing weight eating 1200 calories a day. Are you counting/weighing absolutely everything? There are medically-supervised water fasts (one man was documented as fasting while under medical supervision for over a year, during the 1960s) so you'd probably be fine if monitored.…
  • Yeah--my grandfather has been thin his whole life, and they live in farm country so they've been eating wholesome home-grown foods their entire lives. My grandmother cooks from scratch as well. The whole family was shocked when we found out my grandfather had diabetes, because while a couple of members of the family have a…
  • Cheese for sure! A cube or two of sharp cheddar + a couple of almonds is my new favorite snack.
  • Yes. Read the studies yourself and make up your own mind, know what sort of flaws to look for in research studies, educate yourself. Good advice no matter the topic.
  • I think that's great that works for you. I will say though that I think it's oversimplistic to state that simply losing weight will eliminate the likelihood of developing type II diabetes for everyone, although weight loss can certainly help reduce the risk. My maternal grandmother and paternal grandfather both had type II…
  • I think the documentary is great. It's oversimplistic, but considering how rates of type II diabetes are skyrocketing in the United States, it is not a stretch to say most Americans are eating too much sugar. Overall, our eating habits have changed significantly as a nation over time, sugar is just one part of that. More…
  • You can also carry weights in a backpack, or some hand weights. I play fetch while walking, as well...but my dog is usually there to go fetch it for me :/
  • You can look up the study I cited or look things up yourself, I'm not doing your homework for you :) Also I am logging off of MFP. is a good place to start :)
  • I have better things to do than argue with people who are too stubborn to look things up themselves. If you want to stay misinformed, go ahead. There's lots and lots of information out there, maybe you can do yourself a favor and actually look it up instead of arguing factually wrong information on a myfitnesspal forum…
  • You're on the internet, even if you do not have access to an academic search engine you can look up these studies yourself. :)
  • You're genetically programmed to crave protein, fat, and sugar. But sugar is the only one that has addictive properties.
  • Sugar is known to be more addictive than heroin, not sure what part of my statement you think is "bull".
  • I'm not misinformed, you're misinterpreting what I'm saying. You're craving Cinnabon because you're addicted to sugar. Your statement is like asking why crack addicts crave crack cocaine.
  • Some people are more out of touch with their body and its needs than others, hence why this forum exists. That is not a criticism, just fact.
  • You do know that scientists have done studies regarding vitamin deficiencies and cravings and have found that babies preferred the baby food that was high in a vitamin or mineral that they had a mild nutritional deficiency in, correct? Not to mention that anecdotally, there are probably several people here that can attest…
  • Chocolate craving can be a sign of an iron or magnesium deficiency (if you're not just craving the sugar). It might be worthwhile to look into a multivitamin/supplements, if you haven't already.