lynne0754 Member


  • After this month, I'm done with NS because it doesn't seem to be working for me. After the first 10 pounds, which it took over 2 months to lose, I haven't lost any more. I started on February 8th. I've tried everything, switching meals, etc., and my body just doesn't want to lose any more weight. Being a 61 year old woman…
  • Thanks Peggy! It helps to know someone else is on this same 'ride'.
  • Thanks! My ultimate goal in losing weight is to be healthy because of the history of heart disease and diabetes in my family history but also because it will help my joint issues as well, I believe. My small frame is not made to carry this extra weight I've been carrying now for 10 years. I'll keep trying for now though…
    in NS help Comment by lynne0754 June 2015
  • pattyperkins - I totally understand and can relate. Since I lost the initial 10 pounds (from February 8th or so until April 19th), it's gone above the 10 pounds, back down to the 10 pounds, back up, etc. I have yet to go below the 10 pounds that I lost even though I exercise pretty consistently. Getting older sucks when it…
  • xKoalaBearx - Some of my pants/slacks are fitting looser, but not as much as I thought that they would by now. I'll have to check my measurements to see if any have changed. Maybe I'll try permanently switching the lunches and dinners and see if that helps me. I prefer eating lighter in the evening also. I drink lots more…
  • Beesma - thank you for the encouragement! My 'high' level of exercise is extremely brisk walking - for at least 30 minutes a day, which is all my body can handle. Because of the damage I've done to my poor knees over the years, I can't run and I can't do much squatting and no kneeling because of the pain. I will do some…
    in NS help Comment by lynne0754 June 2015
  • ev - how do you get so much walking/miles in each day and where do you walk? I'm impressed!
  • I'm just a tad bit OCD about logging my foods, even the non-NS foods, and I scan the bar codes so that there's no estimating, and I obsessively measure everything. :) So, I don't think that's the issue. I'll keep going for a little while longer and hopefully I'll start to lose again. I'm probably obsessing too much about…
  • Thanks for this post! I'm doing exactly what you were doing - focusing on the lack of weight loss instead of my relationship with Christ. It's all that I think about which adds to the frustration of not losing any weight for over a month now and does affect my mood. All of my weight gain came from Menopause 10 years ago…
  • Truth in what you said, but I ate pretty healthy before NS because of my family history of heart disease and diabetes, and didn't lost weight then either. Maybe it's because I'm a 61 year old woman and my metabolism doesn't exist. I've been at a plateau since April and haven't lost anymore since then. The weight goes up a…
  • I've been on a plateau since April.
  • Still not losing any more. Wonder if anyone has ever failed to lose on this program? I'm about to give up because it's so frustrating not to see any more weight loss and pay out the money for it. More than just a little discouraged.
    in NS help Comment by lynne0754 June 2015
  • Barby81 - I'll have to try that to see if it helps. NS recommended 1200 calories for me too and the weight isn't coming off very quickly, if at all. So I'll try doing what you're doing and see if it helps. Glad to know that I'm not alone.
  • Great to know! Thanks ev! :)
    in NS help Comment by lynne0754 May 2015
  • Thanks ev! Do you switch out your meals everyday or was this something that you did for a while?
    in NS help Comment by lynne0754 May 2015
  • Evhutchings, that's what I'm wondering and when I suggest that to the NS Counselors they tend to ignore that particular comment.
    in NS help Comment by lynne0754 May 2015