Good luck I'm going to master 5k before I move up! Might register for some 10k's around the area something to aim to and go from there
Hi I'm from the North East to. Which marathon you doing? I've started small and do the 5k ParkRun every week along with 2 or 3 runs then it'll be 10k then maybe a marathon! Be a while getting up to that level mind!
I'm in no alcohol for me till Feb 28th till I go to Manchester for boxing
Darlington County Durham
Hi lee I'm Darlingon I've sent a friend request
Good luck. I love the app really helps but I'm more interested in loosing body fat than weight. Surprises you when you think some foods are healthy and there not!
Thanks that looks gorgeous I'm going to give a try at the weekend when I have more time
Hi try 5k runner app available for smart phones and androids worked for me last year
Good luck be hard work but worth it
It's hard work especially when you like food like I do! I'm looking more to loose body fat so not concerned with weight but I'm losing that to. Friend request sent
Where about? I've only just started using the community area but had the app a while
Make mine with water slowly cooked then add blueberries or strawberries
Thanks for the reply you got much to lose?
Thanks for the reply I eat 5 times a day but 2 are snacks such as protein shake, tin of tuna, fruit, greek yogurt etc
My job gets in the way to but determined to stop using it as an excuse. Good Luck
I have a cheat meal every 5 days including a pudding rather than a cheat day
Sounds very similar to me I'm 5'8 but looking to lose body fat rather than weight. I've only just started lifting again and combining it with a little HIT training
Hi how do you rate the Fitbit I'm thinking of getting one but read mixed reviews
I've lost 3% so far but I find I eat well and train hard and my BF is the same at the end of the week but going to keep going I've set myself 6 months
I've got about 12 to lose or want to lose to get below 10 it's taking some doing its the dieting I find the hardest
Hi hope you don't mind me replying your post was ear mine. I'm trying to loose BF too it's hard work a lot harder than losing weight. I need to loose a little weight as well before I knuckle down on BF. How much do you want to lose?