Deficient was probably not the correct word to use. I discovered that almond's potassium is not listed on the nutrition chart. I'm doing a lot more research on what I eat, and I believe I will trust my instincts a tad better. Learn and apply what I can, don't go crazy over it all. Nice to have a ROUGH guide, but no longer…
Sorry to see you sad. Would a reply of .... No, I gave all that up(when she hopes you are exercising) I'm laying on the couch watching my soaps and eating Bon Bons. I would say keep calling her on it when she pushes. Tell her that she makes you so sad you're gonna go have a banana split to feel better, you know, fruit and…
Oh, I was using the guide for nutrition and looking at my calcium ,potassium ,sodium ,etc. I have a constant battle with fatigue, I also need to get my thyroid checked. I do try to eat pretty healthy and have cut back on my fat intake. I am concentrating on eating a lot more vegetables and hope that will help.I really do…
Thank you all. I just started tracking my diet again. The first day I got less than 1/4 recommended potassium. Today I mad a salad w/ greens, broccoli, cauliflower, cucs etc. added grapes, almonds, sunflower seeds, which put me at half of my goal. I am confident that after dinner I will be at or reasonably close. I sure do…