sabyahmed48 Member


  • Right now I am overweight that's probably why it is that much my BMR is 2169 and I multiplied it by my activity level which is lightly active (1.375).
  • I got the ratio from watching a lot of YouTube videos and that was the most recommended, some even suggested trying to get 50% of macros from protein so I went with the most common. Although now I have reduced my calories as in another thread somebody pointed out that I would need to have a 500 calorie deficit before I was…
  • I got my calories from using the tdee formula, my bmr came out to 2169 and I multiplied that by 1.375 since I work out 5 days a week for around 75 minutes strength+ cardio and 45-60 minutes when it's just cardio
  • Wow! That's amazing, how long did it take you to lose that much?
  • No problem thank you for your help
  • Oh ok that makes sense. One final question if I was to start at 2400 calories how long should I stay at that amount of calories?
  • Would it not be better for me to try and get into deficit through exercise and not food to begin with? I have rarely exercised in the past couple of years so I'm assuming I would lose weight whilst at my maintenance. Once i begin to slow down then I would look to cut from my food intake
  • Would that not just keep me at this weight? My understanding is you need to be in a deficit to lose weight
  • I would say around 12-13 stones that's where I was around 2 years ago before I put on all this weight
  • Yes I'm male sorry please could you clarify what do you mean by eat 50% of exercise calories?
  • I read that it's better to lose 1-2lbs a week in order to prevent loose skin and gaining it back so slow and steady seems right