Getting into a freshly washed and made bed Naked is second only to skinny dipping.
Accidentally walking thru a spider web!
All I want is Gains, Bro. Less drama from teenage daughter would be nice too...
Is it possible to combine or sync both a chest strap and a wearable HR watch/device (light reading monitor) for the best accuracy? I have never used any tracking devices and I'd like to start tracking calories burned while strength training and weight lifting. According to MFP default tacking, strength training/ WL burns…
Over night Oats! Old fashioned oats with plain greek yogurt, milk and protein powder
Are you dipping on standard width dip bars? Your arms spreading too wide could also be contributing to the pain.
What type of volume (reps and sets) are you doing? If you've reached a plateau then you need to change things up. Try different movements and machines than what you've been doing. Try pyramid sets, drop sets, increase eccentric tension (lowering weight slower) to make muscles work harder, slower tempo on your lifts.…
Program preference as it relates to your goal is important consideration. My goal is gaining and I do a (bro?) Push, Pull, Legs split, pushing & pulling twice a week, legs once. I like the volume hitting upper body parts twice a week.
5's?? Oh hell no, don't listen to her...
Also try inverted rows.
Morning workouts are the best! Making a schedule / routine and sticking to it is the most important part. Dedicate and prioritize time to meet your goals for fitness and nutrition.
Start light and perfect your form, practice the hip hinge movement in a mirror if possible. Glute Bridges can also help you feel and perfect the hip hinge movement.
40'ish, lifting and gaining
Are you also increasing strength in other movements for your lats, shoulders and arms?
OP what lifting program are you following? A young natural lifter should be able to gain 2 pounds of muscle a month following a solid program. Contrary to popular belief bulking muscle is a lot of hard work that can take years for people to 'see'.
^^^Exactly! MFP food log for a month and see how many calories you're consuming
Ground Beef
Dewd how long have you had the JBX3's and how often do you use them? I've read several reviews of bluetooth earbuds shorting out from sweat.
Reviving an old thread for current wireless earbud recommendations.
slow day at the office...
(Spit take!) beautiful lips ;)
I'm terrible at taking naps ☹️
Crop dusting
Let's play a game called just the tip...
^^Mood music^^