LessIsMore44 Member


  • 132.8 not 133.8
  • I couldn't find the weight column either. I I weighed in at 133.8 lbs today.
  • My goals are I) Exercise for at least 30 mins every day II) Go to bed at 9 in order to get 8 hours of sleep before I have to wake up at 5 III) Drink 8 cups of water each day IV) Avoid dessert and junk food (except for a reasonably sized slice of pumpkin pie on Canadian Thanksgiving!)
  • I am weighing in now as I will be going on vacation and will not have access to a scale. SW: 140.6 CW: 140.6 CGW: 125.0
  • 1. Mikayla, 18, currently living in BC. 2. As of today, I am 141 lbs (start weight was 151.6). I've been on MFP since May, but only began logging actively this month. Before joining MFP I used to count the number of servings from each food group I would eat and try to stick to Canada Food Guide's recommendations. This…
  • I have been having some pretty bad urges today. I've even gone as far to plan out what I am going to binge on :/ I know June 11th is not over yet, but I feel if I count today as Binge free it will stop me from binging (it has helped in the past). June 11th Me: 7 The Binge: 4 Days Binge free: 7
  • June 10th Me: 6 The Binge: 4 Days Binge free: 6
  • Happy belated birthday! I hope you enjoyed yourself, and that's an awesome Binge free streak you have! June 9th Me: 5 The Binge: 4 Days Binge free: 5
  • Welcome, and happy belated birthday! This challenge and this group will certainly help you, and I am sure one day you will help others as well :) I joined this group last month, and even though I had more binge days than binge free days in May, it was a huge improvement from the daily binges I had in April. I am feeling…
  • Welcome! I joined this group last month, and I can say that everyone here will help you :smile: I think that's great you've already had 3 binge free days this month. Focus on your victories, no matter how big or small they may be. I definitely struggled in May; from giving into my all or nothing mindset, to feeling like…
  • May 31st Me: 14 The Binge: 17 Days Binge free: 0 Wasn't able to get to a computer over the weekend, so I am checking in today. I had a mini binge yesterday and was able to stop myself part way through. Even though I ended up binging it still feels like a victory as I have never been able to stop myself before. @shell1005 a…
  • May 28th Me: 12 The Binge: 16 Days Binge free: 3 Avoiding myfitnesspal (because I "didn't have enough time") is never a good idea; I ending up bingeing for 5 days in a row :/ . Once I binge, I often try to eat all of my trigger foods so they can no longer tempt me, which I know is not a good mindset. I'm feeling pretty…
  • Hello everyone! My goals for this challenge are: i) Log every day as accurately as I can ii) Get 8 hours of sleep each night iii) Finish the 30 day plank challenge iv) Spend less time on my phone
  • Thank you for the welcome :) I agree; this group has already been a big help. Congratulations on 92 days Binge free, that's an amazing feat! I can only hope that one day I will be able to post something like that. May 20th Me: 9 The Binge: 11 Days Binge free: 6
  • May 19th Me: 8 The Binge: 11 Days Binge free: 5 Thank you @ObtainingBalance for the welcome :)
  • May 18th Me: 7 The Binge: 11 Days Binge free: 4 Hello everyone! I am new to this group, but started keeping track of binge days this month. I have been bingeing regularly for the past year and a half (have gained 40lbs as a result :( ) and I know I need to make a change. I am tired of letting an inanimate object such as…