June Challenge - Me vs. The Binge



  • mae918
    mae918 Posts: 742 Member
    Thanks Shell, kadizia, and pudding! :)
  • danifo0811
    danifo0811 Posts: 544 Member
    I'm trying this again to snap me out of bad habits. I keep gaining and losing the same 5lbs and I still have 30-40 to go....

    Starting from Monday...
    Me 0
    The Binge 2
  • Annaduurai
    Annaduurai Posts: 56 Member
    I had been doing well for a few weeks then yesterday I saw a box of cereal bars sitting in the room. They are there everyday but yesterday they were THERE. They are for my DH breakfast otw to work. I am not sure why suddenly they started calling my name, but they did. I ate one (which is 1/3 of my carb count for the day) instead of buckling down and making up for it, yesterday was one bad decision after another. I logged it all, felt like hell yesterday evening, my sugar was through the roof, and I had a headache and felt hung over all day. I did manage to stop myself after the 3rd bad decision. I was feeling horrible, tested my sugar and only ate salad that night for dinner. Of course my DH thinks I was good because the salad for dinner. /sigh ohh the guilt of it all.

    Me 0
    Binge 1
    As of yesterday.
  • JonathanP1962
    JonathanP1962 Posts: 111 Member
    ouch Anna - I had all sorts of things crying out my name on June 2 lol there was nowhere to post "me vs the binge" :(
    Back in business now
    me : 9
    the binge 1
    binge free days 8
  • sothgo
    sothgo Posts: 315 Member
    the binge: 1
    binge free days: 1
  • They are there everyday but yesterday they were THERE.
    I have that sometimes, a food I'm not attached to will suddenly call my name! Well done for pulling it back though and sticking with a lighter dinner, it's easy to go 'screw it' and carry on with a binge but you turned it around even if it took 3 attempts, you STILL turned it around. :smile:

    sothgo wrote: »
    the binge: 1
    binge free days: 1
    Good for you for today :smile:

    me: 4
    The binge:6
    Days binge free:3
  • LessIsMore44
    LessIsMore44 Posts: 113 Member
    mae918 wrote: »
    Me: 9
    B: 0
    Binge-Free: 21!!!

    And today is my birthday--so I planned really well to be able to enjoy a yummy dessert and wine to share with friends! Very happy with myself for staying on track these past few days!

    Happy belated birthday! I hope you enjoyed yourself, and that's an awesome Binge free streak you have!

    June 9th

    Me: 5
    The Binge: 4
    Days Binge free: 5
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    Me: 9
    Binge: 1
    Days binge free: 6
  • libby2208
    libby2208 Posts: 41 Member
    edited June 2015
    Libby - 0
    The Binge - 10
    Days Binge free - 0

    But today is a new day :smiley:
  • lamlamsmakeover
    lamlamsmakeover Posts: 6,574 Member
    June 10

    Me: 6
    LNS: 4*

    Off track tonight...tomorrow is a day new. At least after I binged, I felt compelled to get some exercise and mow the lawn, so not all was lost.
  • kadizia
    kadizia Posts: 208 Member
    The binge 0
    Days binge free 19
    Out of town today and indulged in a huge dinner out...was very tempted to alone in my hotel room but I resisted
  • LessIsMore44
    LessIsMore44 Posts: 113 Member
    June 10th

    Me: 6
    The Binge: 4
    Days Binge free: 6
  • sothgo
    sothgo Posts: 315 Member
    They are there everyday but yesterday they were THERE.
    I have that sometimes, a food I'm not attached to will suddenly call my name! Well done for pulling it back though and sticking with a lighter dinner, it's easy to go 'screw it' and carry on with a binge but you turned it around even if it took 3 attempts, you STILL turned it around. :smile:

    sothgo wrote: »
    the binge: 1
    binge free days: 1
    Good for you for today :smile:

    me: 4
    The binge:6
    Days binge free:3

  • mae918
    mae918 Posts: 742 Member
    Thanks Lessismore! :) it was a nice birthday and while I am celebrating - I am not bingeing so I am happy with myself for that!
    For June 10th:
    Me: 10
    B: 0
    B-free: 22
  • LessIsMore44
    LessIsMore44 Posts: 113 Member
    I have been having some pretty bad urges today. I've even gone as far to plan out what I am going to binge on :/ I know June 11th is not over yet, but I feel if I count today as Binge free it will stop me from binging (it has helped in the past).

    June 11th

    Me: 7
    The Binge: 4
    Days Binge free: 7
  • Pudding1980
    Pudding1980 Posts: 1,264 Member
    You can do it, LessIsMore! I am feeling similar today, probably because I am tired and solo with the kids (DH is out after work) so I know I'll be alone later tonight: prime binge time.

    We can do this though!
  • danifo0811
    danifo0811 Posts: 544 Member

    Starting from June 8
    Wednesday June 11
    Me 0
    The Binge 3
    So far today is going much better so hopefully I don't derail at supper....

    Anna, I have lots of stuff call to me. I have portion packs of stuff for kids lunches and treats for one potty training. I try to get stuff they like and I don't but some times before I know it, I'm eating one (or more). I also eat better with him around.
  • You can do it, LessIsMore! I am feeling similar today, probably because I am tired and solo with the kids (DH is out after work) so I know I'll be alone later tonight: prime binge time.

    We can do this though!
    I have been having some pretty bad urges today. I've even gone as far to plan out what I am going to binge on :/ I know June 11th is not over yet, but I feel if I count today as Binge free it will stop me from binging (it has helped in the past).

    June 11th

    Me: 7
    The Binge: 4
    Days Binge free: 7

    I've had a few urges today and was able to push them away.
    I had a really strong feeling about a certain binge food of mine, then came to realise, it would only make me happy for two bites, then it'd just be guilt and mindless eating - it's not worth it - I'd already come so far throughout the day... I don't want to sabotage myself...it was good to push through it as I've struggled so much recently, I really hope the two of you have been able to stay strong :smile:
    The binge:6
    Days binge free:4

  • JonathanP1962
    JonathanP1962 Posts: 111 Member
    me : 10
    the binge : 1
    binge free days : 9
    on a roll and feeling gooooooooooood :)
  • kadizia
    kadizia Posts: 208 Member
    The binge-0
    Days binge free 20
This discussion has been closed.