It did make me feel better about myself, but to be honest with you what made me feel even better than the looks is letting go/forgiving the person who had made me feel depressed in the first place. Once you learn to move on, that heavy feeling in your chest goes away. Good luck.
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You are right, a pound and a half could be any of those things, I am just disappointed because 3 weeks have gone by and I haven't lost any weight... I am just stressed because I have something very important coming up in 3 weeks, and I was really hoping to loose a certain amount of weight...
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Well done on your 25lb loss!! Id like to motivate you and perhaps get motivated by you. Add me. :)
Yes it is posible! You can do it if you are really determined! Good luck to you
Once every 3 days...
Hi, I am looking for someone to motivate me too. Add me :)
Portion control does not exist for me, once I go for it, it becomes extremely difficult to get out of it...
You have my support! I believe we all suffer from some kind of emotional distress when it comes to food. Some eat when they are happy and others when they are sad. In 2011 I was diagnosed with graves thyroid disease... I also suffered from depression, and found comfort in food... I've put on a total of 20 lb. I let myself…
Thank you! :smile:
Hi, I'd like to join you, is it too late???