Samm471 Member


  • I don’t like it. It does taste horrible really salty and not enjoyable at all! At least I’ve tried it but I think I will stick to fresh avocado from now on
    in Avocado? Comment by Samm471 March 2020
  • Okay I scanned the barcode of the packet and everything matches from calories to macros it just doesn’t tell you about the mono or poly fats
  • Okay Thanks very much guys I will stick to raw 🙂
  • Okay thanks. I always make sure the macros and calories match what the label says I was just curious as to wether it should be weighed raw or cooked. It kinda freaked me out when I seen it go from 100grams to 60grams as that’s a pretty big drop and I’m kinda ocd with making sure I eat enough protein 🙈
  • I’d love to give the 5/3/1 programme a try, all I’ve ever heard is good things about it. I just can’t seem to find a workout template anywhere online for it
    in Deadlifts Comment by Samm471 April 2019
  • Thanks I done SL 5x5 a couple of years ago which worked wonders, so decided to go with that for the next 6-8 weeks and see how that goes, then go back to an 8-12 rep scheme and see if I can see a difference in the deadlifts
    in Deadlifts Comment by Samm471 April 2019
  • So for this example Warm up- bar only 12 reps 50kg x 8 reps 70kg x 6 reps 80kg x 5 reps 90kg x 3 reps 95kg x 2/3 reps Also how many sets for that 95kg?
    in Deadlifts Comment by Samm471 April 2019
  • I’m a spin instructor but don’t have a job yet I not long passed! However when I did sit my assessment one song I used for standing and seated climbs was a song called tsunami
  • Or should you just stick to 90kg and try to get more reps and work at it. Trying to maintain the strength you have while in a deficit?
    in Deadlifts Comment by Samm471 April 2019
  • Yes I already do warm up sets for the main pulls just wanted to add a bit of a warm up with bands beforehand :)
  • Thanks for replying. I wanted to use them to basically warm up the back before my pull sessions at the gym are the thinner bands okay for this or does it have to be those thicker ones?
  • Thanks for all the feedback guys so helpful! I was wondering do you all do this in place of back squats on leg day or does anyone do both front and back squats? Or is it too taxing to do both on the same day?
  • I really do enjoy my programme it's working well and I'm progressing well so will stick with it :)
  • No I do weightlifting too :) that was setting up for a deadlift in college 😊 okay I will go with what you've said and see how that works out thanks so much for helping its muscle appreciated. I feel 'less stressed' lol
  • But I'm never sure how many calories I've burned and I'm worried I eat too many. Do you think even 100 calories to eat back on training days would help?
  • Okay I will keep trying with the creatine and see how it goes. Yes I do retain water during my period I know it's due within the next week roughly. I will definetley keep my patience pants on lol! 😁 I don't eat my exercise calories back because I never know how many calories exactly I'm burning. I do wear a Fitbit but I…
  • Okay thank you. If I'm still in same situation say In 2 weeks time I'm guessing something has to change for example add some cardio into my training or cut maybe another 100 calories from my intake each day?
  • I did think if I gained weight with creatine it wouldn't be like a noticeable thing as the water is stored in the muscles so muscles look fuller
  • Okay it was just a few people had said you won't gain any weight. One person did say I may gain weight but it's normally when you cycle creatine. If your taking it that you may see a weight gain in the first week but it shouldn't be a lasting thing for like months and months it should level out. I haven't gotten that far…
  • Yes I track my sauces etc. I don't drink alcohol and I only drink water. I'm 5ft 2 I'm 30 years old and weigh 146lbs I'd like to get down to 133lbs
  • Yes so if I plan my meals tonight I make sure that tomorrow before it's eaten I weigh it on the food scale and make sure it's correct as in the same as what's on the packet
  • Yes like for example if I'm having sweetcorn I would weigh exactly say 60grams or if I'm having chicken and it's say 105 grams I will cut a small piece off or sometimes my chicken can be 98 grams and I just say 100grams I guessed that would be okay because it's actually under in weight rather than way over. I track and…
  • It's just what I plug in when weighing things to get it as close as I can to my macro goals, so when I plan my meals ahead of time for the next day there as close as possible. I'm 5ft 2 I'm 30 years old and I weigh 146lbs and I'm trying to get down to 133lbs
  • My calorie goal is 1600 calories I got this based on my TDEE and subtracting 500 calories from it, and yes I weigh everything I eat with a food scale :) I don't complete my diary at the end of the day to show on here but I do track everything I eat and weigh it
  • That's great advice thanks I will do this!
  • Thank you it's frustrating as I'm not sure how I'm going to get an app that shows the streets. I'm doing a 100 street challenge where I need to run 100 streets and raise money for mental health awareness. I'd really like it if my sponsors could see that I have in fact ran 100 streets
  • Okay thanks it's just so I can show everyone and especially those who sponsor me the streets I have ran since it's a 100 street challenge
  • Hello, yes I've been logging for about three weeks I just don't end my diary at the end of the day so sometimes it doesn't come up on my feed. It was actually my old personal trainer whom gave me my programme ( this was last year) I was lifting 5x a week and ended up cutting back on exercise because I had other commitments…
  • That sounds excellent! There's so many watches out there it's hard to see what ones are good for their money or not.
  • How is the Garmin? I know my Fitbit did track weights but now it's broke. I'd really like to try something new :)