petey200745601 Member


  • Youre losing inches! Thats way more important than the scale. Im sure you may have heard this before, but MUSCLE WEIGHS MORE THAN FAT! lol So even if youre gaining a fraction of muscle compared to the fat youre losing, the scale wont do any justice. If you feel like your workouts aren't pushing you enough, mix it up and…
  • I've cheated once big time in two weeks. Had Ben and Jerry's. Other than that I've limited small things in my diet like one slice of pizza.. I've hit my target everyday though. I feel like I'm losing weight pretty slow though for as big as I am. I've lost 6 pounds in a little over a week. I know that's good, but I'm 330…
  • Almost 6 hours of walking to eat a pizza?! Wow. You really earned the pizza lol.
  • You gals and guys make tons of sense. Lol. This isn't a temporary diet anymore, so I need to just live. Change the core of your diet, but still eat the foods you love, just work a little harder to incorporate those days.
  • That's an interesting thought. Just work a little harder when you want something. Earn it.
  • How do I open it to everyone?
  • Thanks bud, will do! I'm gonna keep it off this time. No more shenanigans! Love that word. Lol
  • Everyday I see some new comments in here of support. Glad to know I'm not the only veteran that coped with everything by overeating.. Makes me feel miserable when people say I'm a marine and they smirk. I know I should be better. Also, I should clarify my ex didn't leave me cuz of my weight, I pushed her away due to my own…
  • Wow, you guys and gals are amazing. Its nice to see such positive reinforcement here. Half of the reason a lot of people (including me at first) don't wanna work out because they're scared of being judged. Question, I really can't run right now, too hard on my knees and I get winded. I'm cycling 3-4 times a week for one…
  • Thanks. I was big before I joined, didn't take much to get big again. But I'm gonna get there
  • I haven't seen a nurtionist as of yet. No advice coming in at the moment. I'm just generally trying to substitute some things I know are no good like frozen/processed foods. No pop, no fast food, no overeating. Im hoping that'll be enough to start with.
  • Thank you :) I'm really tired of being like this. I know I can, time to stop feeling sorry for myself.