marinawalker2015 Member


  • Hi Abby, idle time is a killer for me. Sounds like your weekends may not be active enough. I try to stay out of the house when I'm feeling bored. If I'm in the house I tend to circle the kitchen like a vulture. Take a walk, go to the library. Take a drive. Just get your head out of the diet game for a bit. I also try to…
  • Thanks everyone. Really great info. So much to think about. Helpful to hear it doesn't have to be permanent.
  • Hey all, another over 50 gal. I was just reading the comments and I'm shocked at the words we use to describe ourselves, "disgusting, sloth, loser etc". One thing I've learned on my journey already is that you can change the inner voice before the outer self sees improvements. You must think and speak of yourself with…