hiaaitsmegan2 Member


  • I thought I was the only one
  • I was thinking about taking a bath tonight because after my workout they hurt twice as bad lol
  • Thank you so much! Your the first person to explain it to where I actually understood what they were saying lol. Big help!!
  • Okay this is starting to make sense the way your explaining it. So anything you exercise off gets added back into your calories and its your choice weather to eat all or half or none back but you do not want to go under the calories you start off with correct?
  • I'm gonna try and push through it!
  • Yes thank you that did help! The problem is, is that I mostly work out late in the evening so by the time that I log everything in I don't have time to eat my back calories. I guess it's all about finding the swing of things I'm not even a week into this lol
  • Today is my lower body workout again but I'm thinking of switching it with tomorrow's yoga because idk if I would be able to make through it. And I might throw in a ab workout as well because they are also sore.
  • Lol it's nice to know that I worked my muscles and I can actually feel the results but I look like a fool trying to walk and it feels weird like my muscles are stretching every time I take a step.
  • Would a muscle relaxer help? Like an aleeve? And do I wait till the soreness goes away till I work out my lower body again? And how long before it goes away?
  • I'm gonna try some yoga today maybe that will help. It's a good thing to feel it because I know I'm doing something right but I feel like a 80 year old man when I walk lol
  • Thanks everyone for their input and advice! This is all just so confusing to me. I don't get the terminology or even what yall are talking about lol. I guess I'll just have to play around with the site myself and find out what works best for me. I was exploring a little bit last night and found that my calorie intake was…
  • I just did! Thank you!!
  • What is TDEE? And when I went to finish my log for the day it said that the recommended intake is 1200 for an average woman so idk what I'm doing wrong. I signed up, put my info in, and that's what it said to do. I'd rather not have a debate I just need help with knowing what to do and how to do it properly. This site…
  • I don't really eat that much on a daily basis idk where this fat has come from to begin with. And it seems to be harder to get rid of than to gain it. At least for me. I usually skip breakest and snack instead of having a lunch. I guess it's all about eating the proper meals and spacing them so I can reach the 1200…
  • All of this is so new to me. I've never counted calories or really tried to excerise (when I wasn't thinking about it). I used to play sports when I younger and that's what kept me in shape but as I'm getting older I'm starting to gain a little weight in areas that I don't want. It just started recently to bother me so I…