Recording my excerise. Necessary or no?



  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    edited May 2015
    Mr_Knight wrote: »
    MFP works best when you don't use it as it's designed to work.

    MFP is designed to work as either TDEE or BMR/NEAT+Exercise.

    Either is just fine.

    Although if one uses it for TDEE one either doesn't record exercise or gives it a notional value, in which case it becomes an intake tracking tool, rather than an intakre and output tracking tool.

    Anybody using MFP properly for output tracking is changing MFP's calorie burn numbers anyway, so really, in a practical sense, nobody is really using MFP for output tracking anyway, because the numbers are being calculated externally, anyway.

    Going TDEE path just formalizes that process.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    @sixxpoint ,
    Copying and pasting that much material without citation is plagiarism.
  • sixxpoint
    sixxpoint Posts: 3,529 Member
    @sixxpoint ,
    Copying and pasting that much material without citation is plagiarism.


    It's directly from my culinary book's section on nutrition, but you can also find it in the Nutrition Forum of - the person who posted it there also plagiarised, I guess.
  • Sam_LJackson
    Sam_LJackson Posts: 26 Member
    As someone with similar stats (5'6.5, starting weight 145, goal weight 125, current weight 130), here's what I'd suggest based on my experience:
    - Set exercise to sedentary
    - Set goal rate of loss to 0.5 lb/week
    - Weigh and log everything (everything!) that you consume
    - Log any additional exercise above sedentary (walking, biking, jogging) and eat back half of the MFP burn estimate - in general, forum consensus is that the estimates are pretty high; you can correct later if you find you need to eat more/less

    If after a month you haven't lost at 0.5 lb/week following this advice, eat less. I lost 15 lbs at about 1.2 lb/week and I wouldn't recommend it - you're going to have to learn to eat consistently at your maintenance levels anyway if you don't want to gain back the weight, and it's easier to do that when you start off eating closer to maintenance.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    sixxpoint wrote: »
    So to summarize... That person eats say 1200 calories, then burns 500 with exercise and adds it to MFP for a reduction, netting that person at 700 calories...

    So using the system as it's designed would mean that the individual would have a daily goal of 1700 cals, since their net target would be 1200, and they'd then need to offset the 500 expended.

    I'd agree that it's not all that intuitive to many, as we see lots of threads asking about what the best exercise to burn lots of cals is, people aren't appreciating that they should be eating those cals back.

    Just because the problem exists between the chair and the keyboard, doesn't mean that the service provided is flawed.

    So the point to the originator is, yes one should eat back what is expended in exercise.

    And for the latter part of my original point, TDEE is fine if one is expending a consistent level of energy per session or the periodisation is short enough that increases and decreases are smoothed over time. Similarly, for some the background levle of activity changes quite significantly, and while TDEE can be modified, it may be easier just to reset base activity and stick with NEAT. In my own case if I mobilise on exercise in the field for a month then my activity level is significantly higher than sitting in an HQ location somewhere.

    Different circumstances have different needs, I would suggest that broad brush assertions about suitablity of the tools aren't all that helpful.

  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    sixxpoint wrote: »
    So to summarize... That person eats say 1200 calories, then burns 500 with exercise and adds it to MFP for a reduction, netting that person at 700 calories...

    So using the system as it's designed would mean that the individual would have a daily goal of 1700 cals, since their net target would be 1200, and they'd then need to offset the 500 expended.

    I'd agree that it's not all that intuitive to many, as we see lots of threads asking about what the best exercise to burn lots of cals is, people aren't appreciating that they should be eating those cals back.

    Just because the problem exists between the chair and the keyboard, doesn't mean that the service provided is flawed.

    So the point to the originator is, yes one should eat back what is expended in exercise.

    And for the latter part of my original point, TDEE is fine if one is expending a consistent level of energy per session or the periodisation is short enough that increases and decreases are smoothed over time. Similarly, for some the background levle of activity changes quite significantly, and while TDEE can be modified, it may be easier just to reset base activity and stick with NEAT. In my own case if I mobilise on exercise in the field for a month then my activity level is significantly higher than sitting in an HQ location somewhere.

    Different circumstances have different needs, I would suggest that broad brush assertions about suitablity of the tools aren't all that helpful.

    Honest discussion of TDEE vs NEAT requires both parties understand the real differences in the two. Trying to discuss it with a person who misrepresents how NEAT is properly calculated makes an honest, intellectual discussion impossible. Perhaps when they learn that the difference in the two is when exercise activity thermogenisis is incorporated into the equation they will then join in rational discourse.
  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,222 MFP Moderator
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    Hey guys, this thread has been cleaned up a little to remove posts that violated community guidelines. Please remember to post politely and on topic. If you'd like to discuss a different topic, you're more than welcome to start another thread.
  • _incogNEATo_
    _incogNEATo_ Posts: 4,537 Member
    So this thread is open again?
  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,222 MFP Moderator
    edited May 2015
    So this thread is open again?

    Apparently. :flowerforyou: :wink:

    OP, if you're already only eating 1200 calories and not eating back exercise calories, you're very likely not getting adequate nutrition. IMO you SHOULD be recording exercise and eating back a portion of the calories earned. What is your height and current weight?
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    Honest discussion of TDEE vs NEAT requires both parties understand the real differences in the two.

    Indeed, they're tools. Making progress is about appreciating where the tools are, what their usefulness is, and developing their ability to support the objectives.

    Not all tools have much utility though.
  • hiaaitsmegan2
    hiaaitsmegan2 Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks everyone for their input and advice! This is all just so confusing to me. I don't get the terminology or even what yall are talking about lol. I guess I'll just have to play around with the site myself and find out what works best for me. I was exploring a little bit last night and found that my calorie intake was low, now it's up to around 1400 and I don't get eating back the calories you burned. Isn't the whole point to burn them off? Why would u want to eat them back? For energy?
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Thanks everyone for their input and advice! This is all just so confusing to me. I don't get the terminology or even what yall are talking about lol. I guess I'll just have to play around with the site myself and find out what works best for me. I was exploring a little bit last night and found that my calorie intake was low, now it's up to around 1400 and I don't get eating back the calories you burned. Isn't the whole point to burn them off? Why would u want to eat them back? For energy?

    Part for energy ... part to ensure you get enough nutrients ... part to minimize the amount of lean mass lost. The deficit required for weight loss is already included in your goal. A bigger deficit is not necessarily the healthiest way to lose weight. More rapid loss results in lost lean mass (muscle, organs).

  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    edited May 2015
    ...and I don't get eating back the calories you burned. Isn't the whole point to burn them off?

    So this gets to the heart of how MFP is designed to work, the debate upthread about alternative methods are just different ways to account for the energy that you consume, and the energy that you expend. At its simplest, MFP has calculated a goal of 1400cals per day for you, net. That will give you the rate of loss that you've set, and it assumes you do no exercise. Essentially weight loss is only about calories in vs calories out (aka CICO).

    When you train, you expend more calories, so your deficit will be greater than that calculated. Some might see that as a good thing as it'll lead to faster weight loss, but as observed by many in thread that can be unhealthy as it leads to an unbalanced loss. So you eat back your calories to keep your deficit in balance.

    You then get into a debate about the accuracy of measuring both calories in, and calories out. Calories in is pretty simple, weight and measure what you consume and log accordingly. That's not always possible for some, personally I travel a lot for work so I'm on hotel food three or four nights per week and just eyeball it. My goals are about running performance rather than weight per se.

    As far as calories out are concerned, there are many variables and lots of ways of getting the wrong measurement, with very few ways of getting an accurate measurement. So people find different ways to account for the level of error. Some ignore it, and rail against their lack of progress. Some only eat back a portion of their expenditure, some don't eat back any. Personally I generally only eat back a proportion, but as I'm generally doing long distance running I have large calorie expenditures and physically can't eat back enough at times anyway. I currently have 1300 calories available to me for dinner, I'll probably manage 950. That's fine for me, but at 1400 cals you don't have much margin for error before you're undereating.

    The best advice I can give you is to pick a method of estimating calories expended, and stick with it. As you make progress you can tweak how you compensate for that, based on how you're doing. If you are losing faster than planned, then eat back more, if slower then eat back less.

    I hope that helps a little.
  • hiaaitsmegan2
    hiaaitsmegan2 Posts: 18 Member
    Yes thank you that did help! The problem is, is that I mostly work out late in the evening so by the time that I log everything in I don't have time to eat my back calories. I guess it's all about finding the swing of things I'm not even a week into this lol
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    If that is the case, consider logging your exercise as the next day's activity so that the calories are there when you get up in the morning.
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    Yes thank you that did help! The problem is, is that I mostly work out late in the evening so by the time that I log everything in I don't have time to eat my back calories. I guess it's all about finding the swing of things I'm not even a week into this lol

    There are different ways to play it, and a lot of that depends on what training you do and how you measure it.

    I'm the same, tend to train in the evenings during the week, and in the forenoons at the weekend when I do my long run or ride. What that means is that I eat more in the day, leaving myself with a smaller budget in the evening, that then increases after I train. So again today I ate about 1400 calories over the course of the day, leaving myself 600 for dinner, then burned a further 600 bringing the available budget up to 1200.
  • hiaaitsmegan2
    hiaaitsmegan2 Posts: 18 Member
    Okay this is starting to make sense the way your explaining it. So anything you exercise off gets added back into your calories and its your choice weather to eat all or half or none back but you do not want to go under the calories you start off with correct?
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    That's it :)
  • hiaaitsmegan2
    hiaaitsmegan2 Posts: 18 Member
    Thank you so much! Your the first person to explain it to where I actually understood what they were saying lol. Big help!!