Peely93 Member


  • Everything has gone to pot!! My depression has got the better of me over the past few day and I've hardly done any exercise and my diet hasn't been great :( Saying that I have lost 0.3 kg so I'm down from 96.8kg to 96.5kg so it's not all bad I guess. The main thing I am struggling with is food. Need to stay strong though!!
  • 28th &29th May Yesterday was an awful day. I found it so difficult to get out of bed :( I had zero energy and no interest in doing anything. I didn't do my DVD as i knew i would not get though it all. Today I feel better although still not great. I've skipped the DVD but I'm going to do cardio this eve after work instead
  • 27th May Did level 2 again on my DVD, still really hard but managed to push through it. Also went to the gym with my Mum to do our cadio session. All in all a good day :)
  • 25th May Bank Holiday Monday! Both my Mum and Fiance were in which made doing the DVD rather difficult but I powered through. My Fiance and I then went to see The Avengers at the cinema where I resisted fizzy drinks and sweets! The out for a family meal where mum and I split three mini deserts :) 26th May I upped the level…
  • 22nd May DVD done again this morning despite getting up rather late, ooppss Then once I had finished work I met my Mum at the gym for some Cardio :) I got weighed this evening and I am now 97.3kg down from 97.7kg. I know it's down but i was expecting/hoping it would be down more so I am a little disappointed :( ah well…
  • 21st May Did I manage to drag myself out of bed to do my DVD? Yes I did! Just one more day then I have a workout free weekend to look forward to :)
  • 20th May I managed to do my DVD again this morning despite really not wanting to and aching like mad. But I did it and i'm glad i did. I then went to the gym with my Mum to do cardio on a bike. Manage to do 35 minutes before my legs couldn't take anymore I know its only the second day but I'm feeling good and determined!
  • Hey :) I will be a workout buddy I'm 22 around 5'9 and around 97kg I would love to reach 75kg! I will send a request :)
  • That is an amazing result! Keep it up, I will be a diet buddy if you want :) feel free to add me