Peachiko87 Member


  • That's essentially all I did with my diet. I haven't had any chocolate recently, but I've noticed that in the 3 weeks of changing my habits.. I haven't actually WANTED it, either! I'm down 11lbs, right now, weigh in on Fridays!
  • I'm 5'3, I was 284lbs last week, I weigh in on Fridays... I want to be under 200lbs! I don't really care about being "cute and tiny" or "skinny", I just want to be healthier and fit in cute clothes... Which, I guess means I do want to be cute, but you know. :p
  • Lol! Not me, but I'd rather be home, if I had to be--- xD; Taking a day for yourself isn't bad, as long as it's only once in a while!
  • ... Noooooooo! >_>;;;
  • You have 18 days, that is enough time to safely lose 3-5lbs without hurting, or starving yourself. Getting married is tons of stress, is the dress beautiful? Do you really like it? Then just stick to having the lace bit done, either way, you're a size 8, you're going to be gorgeous.
  • It's basically the same thing as Phentermine. I'm on day 3 of using mine;; All I can really say is remember to eat 3 balanced meals a day. I have ZERO appetite using it. Food smells good, sounds good, but I have no want or will to eat it. I stay right at 1,500-1,600 calories, by planning my meals for the day out in the…
  • I actually got prescribed Phentermine yesterday, and today is the first time I've taken it. Day 1 of 30 days, to be exact. I have been moderately regulating my food intake, and liquids. I cut out sweets, all but a bit of dark chocolate here or there, and don't drink soda at all. I love coffee too much to quit it, but I've…
  • Have you changed your eating habits? =o
  • I do wish I only had 50lbs to lose ^^; I'm back after 3 years, it's an epiphany type moment... Where I don't want to be this way, anymore. So good luck to us both. :smile:
  • Well, I, in particular have quite a bit of weight to lose, this is basically day 4 for me, and it's like-- So far so good! Calculating what I EVENTUALLY want my goal weight to be, versus what I am now (Or was like a week ago!) I need to lose.... Uhh... 145lbs >x>;;; All I can say is to not give up!