LashaMonique Member


  • It seems as if everybody fits it verses cutting it out, I suppose I have to find balance & learn to fit it in
  • That's what I was thinking maybe eat lightly so that I have remaining calories for a meal that I actually want.
  • lmonique
  • Congratulations, on the weight lost ! Those are great suggestions, maybe I will start trying to off set it and see if it keeps me at a steady pace. Thank you so much, & again congratulations.
  • She is a nightmare you have no idea, I've been thinking about dropping her as well, I pretty much know the basics of exercising and the routines down so I don't really need her anymore. I just have to learn some discipline on my own.
  • Thank You, I will add them to my shopping list & give them a try
  • Thanks, Holly I appreciate you're support. Her view on "cheat days" are not to have them she suggest changing dressings as a reward or a cheat. I kind of wanted other opinions because well she is a trainer/ nutritionist so of course she's going to push me against everything. However, I like your views.
  • I honestly do feel deprived, I have to just start fitting it into my goal because going with out and then trying to have "Cheat days" can't be good either.
  • That's what I thought, & yes I'm going to go for it because I want something other than the food she suggest. It's not like I'm going to go all wild and eat types of junk or anything but at least one meal should be something I want even if it fries.
  • my log always gets checked & I swear she says No to everything so I guess my trainer's idea of healthy eating is pretty much to have nothing lol. but I'm going to try eating some of the things I like and see how it works with me limiting the intake of it.
  • But fast food & things like that can't certainly be good always having fit into your "calorie goal" I love fries and that alone takes away a lot of calories. I really have changed the way I eat, I stay away from fried foods which I also miss. I had a personal trainer & she had me fixed on "Clean Eating" so I'm always…
  • I'm a teacher so coffee and soda went hand & hand for me throughout my day. I would depend on soda to keep me moving throughout the day it was quite sad. I would say "I needed something with a kick" because really I did need something to get moving. It was hard I started off my limiting how much I had, or if I seen…
  • I stopped drinking as part of trying to lose weight however when I had a few drinks a couple of weeks a go it did not have an affect on my weight lost, my tolerance just became really low.
  • Perfect I went into best buy and seen that they had so many different ones, majority of my coworkers have fitbit's so I was trying to decide which one was the best.
    in FitBit Comment by LashaMonique May 2015
  • Thank You so much for your support ! <3
  • Thank You, Yea I'm not over weight I just gained a couple of pounds within the past couple of months, being lazy, I figure with it warming up I can get my butt back outside and get moving. I really don't have a lot of weight to loose just ten pounds and I will be back to the weight I've always been, the hard part is just…
  • Congrats!