Water weight first.then you have the fat build up.10kgs is to much control diet.
His in his 70s What's the big deal. He could ave been a pro in his prime.take his advise an LEARN FROM to see any of you guys train at his age..
If u carry on eating this way OH YES THEY WILL
Yeh left shoulder AC LIGAMENT SNAPPED u can see it in X-ray.was in pain. After about 1 months started BAK in gym. Doctor said no lifting for 6months. I wasn't staying away from the gym after about 3/4 months am pain free an stronger then's been 3 years know no problems
Yep if u want the soft look up the suger in take.. Suger higher carbs hold more water given u the soft look.
Yes this is true ONLY FOR THOSE WHO HAVE VISIBLE ABBS IN THE FIRST PLACE. If a person has no Abbs then your advise is 10000% wrong.. If u want Abbs drop the carbs.
To get a flat stomach an Abbs all depends on only one thing drop yr carbs simple.. And carry on training when I want shaper Abbs I drop my carbs very low sometimes no carbs up my protein and fats.. That's the only way.then u can maintain how u want to look.
Dedication... Say that In a few months.. Dedication is training 6 times a week good diet an years of hard lifting mate. Also u can't train at home u need a gym to motivate your self an push u to the next been training only a month.. I seen it to many times new lifters training few week months an bang they…
I only stretch in the winter cold months before training Neva in summer or warm days Neva had any problems.
U can work out one hour before u open ur fast. I will use low weight an high reps no cardio will maintain an burn body fat. Best time to lean out. It be hard for the first few days but the body will adjust it self. Am still goin to train 6 times a week
Wrong info.. U can drop your water and fat weight threw yr diet. U still need yr protein fats lower yr carbs.. An up yr rep range. Use medium heavy weight not to light so u can perform 12/16 reps. On yr last set drop the weight an rep to failure u will see the difference. High reps light weights is not a myth... But try to…
There is a major difference in rep range in every exercise on yr last two sets rep to failure shock them muscle fibres. And stick to a good diet u will see more results. I ALLWAYS chop an change my routine every 3/4 weeks. I hit every body part twice a week 6 days aweek. In the winter I do one body part a day.
If u want yr body image to change. Then calories in/out DOES make a HUGE difference in how look.
Yes healthy fats keep u full. Yogurt is a muscle building secret.
Don't touch the cereal full of junk. An sugers.. Change to Oat meal. Get eggs.if u train in the mornings have a protein shake. And bust the weights in the gym.
Going out eating cost more. Tuna eggs meat. Why spend £££ out when u can bring the food home and cook it.. U will save.
Depends on yr intake u don't want to lose muscle.also what's yr training like if any.will u be training while fasting.
U need to ask the guy if his in calorie surplus or not.if his body is holding to much water/ is calorie surplus,to me in his profile pic he looks like he is.then stay away from bread.its not a everyday food for will an can hinder yr results..
U need to ask the guy if his in calorie surplus or not.if his body is holding to much water/ is calorie surplus,to me in his profile pic he looks like he is.then stay away from bread.its not a everyday food for will an can hinder yr results..
Guess not
NONSENCE... So it's ok for a male trainer to slapp her *** DUMP HIM NO SECOND CHANCES HERE.
Wooh 100lbs.. That's a lot. It's time to train with free weights.
It's a simple answer get a female trainer.. ALSO NO TRAINER SHOULD BE STANDING BEHIND WHEN PERFORMING A SQUAT UNLESS THE WEIGHT IS HEAVY, he/she can see better form from the side..I say dumb him.ENDOFF.why waste money on people like that when u can do better without them.
Hi is there any chance you can look at my profile and see if my diet is ok. Am training 5/6 times a day.i get confused about all the numbers. I feel well not hungry.. My strength has gone down alittle. Am trying to get lean down thanks
Hi is there any chance you can look at my profile and see if my diet is ok. Am training 5/6 times a day.i get confused about all the numbers. I feel well not hungry.. My strength has gone down alittle. Am trying to get lean down thanks
If there's one meal u don't want to miss its BREAKFAST. Don't miss it.
Why would u Why would you need carbs to spike your insulin level when the energy can come from stored body fat. Fat stores can replenish your glycogen levels..
Hi please tell me if am 94kilos how much protein do I need per day thanks