bigcurt18 Member


  • 10-4, Thank you for the suggestions. I think not going to an ortho might be whats holding me back. Being afraid to have my body break down on me and not being able to walk or bend over and get back up scares me at the age im at (its far too young to feel this way). I already get stuck in positions and cant sit in a desk…
  • I do agree with you that I am older... unfortunately I'm not that old... and I ran my fastest mile ever at age 26 than I ever did when I was a kid or teen. My problem is more or less my body being torn to shreds...I have no cartilage between my knee caps and lower back, and I was diagnosed with either juvenile arthritis or…
  • It's like there's nothing left in the body to give! The Tank is completely empty but the desire to be were I was is still in the mind and won't leave!
  • Technically, No... but it would make it easier. FAR easier. Your diet(what you eat) will give you the skin tight look. I lost 67 lbs just counting calories and running 1 mile to 2 miles 4 or 5 times a week. I ate burgers starting from my typical triple bacon cheese burger and slowly worked my way down, one step at a time,…