Can I do it at home?

sexymom04 Posts: 263 Member
Can I get this result from home or do I need to go to a gym?


  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    If you have a barbell and free weights and time (years) and the right training/diet-maybe.
  • sexymom04
    sexymom04 Posts: 263 Member
    So go to a gym :|
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Or buy one
  • bigcurt18
    bigcurt18 Posts: 5 Member
    Technically, No... but it would make it easier. FAR easier. Your diet(what you eat) will give you the skin tight look. I lost 67 lbs just counting calories and running 1 mile to 2 miles 4 or 5 times a week. I ate burgers starting from my typical triple bacon cheese burger and slowly worked my way down, one step at a time, to a single with cheese only and now to only home cooked food! No more fast food at all for me. Obviously you will need to do abs and push ups and squats to have more of a muscle toned body, but you do not NEED a gym. YouTube some home workouts with no weights and ways to make each exercise more intense without weights; there are many ways to make a push-up harder and same goes with all home exercises. But like I said, a gym will always make it easier and keep your workout from going stagnant(or just boring). If it's more a self confidence thing in the gym, like it was for me at first, I highly suggest starting at home until you need weights and find it a new lifestyle you have entered. Hope this helps
  • yhealthy2000
    yhealthy2000 Posts: 111 Member
    It takes tremendous discipline to do a workout routine consistently. And it takes tremendous amount of motivation to push yourself to exercise with correct form, and to challenge yourself during each workout session. If you are highly disciplined and highly motivated, you can do it by yourself! Eating right is super important. I ate out a lot before, now, not so much. Eating healthy will give you lots more energy.
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    You can totally work out at home. If you have the space and money, you can buy equipment. If not, go on youtube and find bodyweight workouts to do. You can get some dumbbells, those are cheap and don't take much room to store. I am broke as crap and if this apartment complex didn't have a small gym built in I would be doing it all in my living room. God bless youtube lol.
  • DesertGunR
    DesertGunR Posts: 187 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    If you have a barbell and free weights and time (years) and the right training/diet-maybe.

    First you can work out at home and get these results. It will take time, dedication, good diet and investment in equipment. So I agree with the quote above.

    I am guessing you are asking about at home due to some type of restriction. Either, time you can't make the 20+ extra minute drive to the gym, you can't afford a gym membership or maybe there is not a dedicated lifting gym in your area.

    You have to be very dedicated to achieve the goal you have presented. It will cost you something to get there and only you can decide what that cost(s) will be.

    A good starting point that will get this goal is going to be your diet so start that now if you have not already done so. Ask @arditarose and others like her what worked for them to achieve the success they now enjoy. If getting to a gym is out of reach for the moment, start with a body weight program. My favorite one, because I've used it to great success when a real gym was not available in any way, shape or form is the TRX Suspension Trainer. It has a huge variety of exercise combinations and 3 intensity levels and takes up almost no space. You can check it out here This will help get you started on your journey. To complete it you will either need to buy good gym equipment of your own or find the time and money needed to go to a real gym dedicated to lifting. Once that time arrives ask these same women about programs like StrongLifts 5x5, Strong Curves and others like them.

    Remember that a journey of a 1,000 miles starts with a single step. You are taking that first step, just keep linking them together and eventually that picture can be you.

    Good Luck!
  • sexymom04
    sexymom04 Posts: 263 Member
    I'm worried that I won't have enough motivation to do it at home :/. As for the gym, it's costly and I have no idea what I'm doing lol
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    If you have the right tools, you can do it at home.But it's much easier for most to just go to the gym. I don't have room in my tiny house for a bench and plates so I go to the gym. I also like the elliptical , but again dont have space for one so must go to a gym.
  • sexymom04
    sexymom04 Posts: 263 Member
    I have a stationary bike, an elliptical, a rowing machine and treadmill. I did have one of those home gyms but had to sell when we moved because of lack of space. I also have a few dumbbells but only up to 20 lbs.
  • DesertGunR
    DesertGunR Posts: 187 Member
    edited May 2015
    All that cardio equipment will not really help you get there. Choose one that you like and enjoy for your cardio on non-lifting days to keep.

    With the space that the remaining 3 pieces of equipment take up, you could easily replace them with all the lifting equipment you need and there would be some space left over. A good quality squat rack starts at $300. A good 45lb. Olympic bar can be had for $300. The cost of good Olympic plates will vary, the good news is you do not need to buy 300lbs-400lbs all at once. Just starting out get yourself a pair of 25lb., 10lb., 5lb., 2.5lb., 1.25lb and 2-3 sets of fractional weights ( .25lb., .50lb., .75lb., 1lb.). You can get a good bench for around $200. A good leather weight belt for around $100. This should be a good starter set. Start buying the smaller weights first, since you will need those first as you start through your progression.

    Once you are nearing the point in your progession that you are using all of the plates then you can start picking up the heavier plates and/or purchase extra plates of the weights you already have. Checkout for information about the program and for links to places you can buy the equipment.

    This list may seem overwhelming to you. In all honesty it is. I'm not going to lie to you about that. If you want to get to from where you are now to
    sexymom04 wrote: »
    what you have chosen here. Then this is the commitment you will have to make.

    If you have questions about diet and macros for women ask @arditarose and others like her. Since I claim no knowledge on the nutritional requirements of women when it comes to lifting. It is probably similar to men, though I am not willing to make that assumption.

    Good Luck on your journey and don't be afraid to get started today. Above all remember this is not impossible, it can be achieved by you.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    OP, whether you do it in the gym or at home you need the stuff @DesertGunR mentioned.

    Now, if you simply want to save/build muscle mass (I don't know if you're still losing fat or not), you CAN do body weight exercises at home. Check out "You Are Your Own Gym", "Convict Conditioning", and

  • alekth
    alekth Posts: 33 Member
    It would certainly take a lot of discipline and equipment. I'd say though, if you ever plan on heavy lifting, invest in a personal trainer, even if it's for a session every two weeks or something like that. On the one hand improper form can cause some long-term damage, and on the other people generally tend to sway either into lifting too heavy too soon, or not lifting heavy enough, and a reality check from a professional helps.
  • comparetheequipment
    comparetheequipment Posts: 2 Member
    Yes it is definitely possible to get there kind of results from home. Your dieting will play one of the biggest roles if you want to lose fat and get into shape. However like alekth said it is important that when you go to workout, that you do the workouts with proper form for which a personal trainer or videos on youtube are useful. Also doing cardio 3-4 times a week will help you to start to lose fat and burn calories faste.
  • sexymom04
    sexymom04 Posts: 263 Member
    Thank you so uch everyone for all the helpful advice. I started yesterday working on my diet and recording everything I eat in here. So next is the exercise. I will have to see what works best for me.

    Again thank you and now to see where this journey takes me :)
  • stevesample76
    stevesample76 Posts: 248 Member
    Looking at your diary I would say your calorie goal is probably close to the right place to start. I would balance the protein and carbs at a 40/40 split and then set your fat around 20% and see what that does for you.

    This is completely attainable from home. You don't have to build out a total home gym but there will be purchases you need to make as you get further in to your journey. Dont underestimate what a good body weight program and resistance bands can do for you in the beginning.

    My wife and I both work out at home and while it is a commitment, we found making the effort to pack up and go to a gym and be away from our kids longer than we already are, was more of a commitment and one that we were more likely to not follow through on.

  • Justthisgirl1994
    Justthisgirl1994 Posts: 226 Member
    Results like that? Nawh.

    I got really good results at home when i first decided to lose weight though. I lost like 20 lbs doing jillian michaels DVDs. However, I was overweight at that time. After 4ish months I needed more of a challenge, so I started to go to the gym.
  • sexymom04
    sexymom04 Posts: 263 Member
    Got a scale, measuring everything I eat, trying to be good on the diet and now I'm saving up and I will be going to a gym :)
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    sexymom04 wrote: »
    Got a scale, measuring everything I eat, trying to be good on the diet and now I'm saving up and I will be going to a gym :)

    I think that's a great idea. At home we're sometimes
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Sorry it sent before I was done writing and I can't edit it, anyway sometimes at home we're limited with the types of equipment so going to the gym is a great idea! Glad you got your scale, weigh everything you consume to be accurate! Best of luckto you!!