emlouda11 Member


  • Thank you. Both comments are very useful. I'm glad it's not just me. Thanks again! :smile:
  • I do think that some of the comments had been useful, generally others haven't. My previous comments summarised the things that could be wrong. I thank those of you that have offered constructive advice. I will track everything, weights and measures, exercise etc for a couple of weeks. If no difference is seen I will open…
  • No hyperboling, in the last 3months I've stayed roughly the same weight (+/- 3lbs). So either all the foods I'm tracking are wrong, the deficit is calculated incorrectly or I'm eating approx 9000+ extra calories on a weekend. As an addition to the alcohol comments, when I gave up alcohol for charity for over a month and…
  • Typical week day:
  • A typical weekend is 2 meals a day: brunch and evening meal. One day, typically Saturday, will involve a meal with my OH at a restaurant- no desert, sometimes a shared starter. Brunch is usually a bacon sandwich (no butter). Yes, I do usually have a few beers on a Saturday night. Sunday, I usually do brunch and a…
  • Cycling is something I try to do (6mile round trip to work and back). I can't run as it causes severe head pain (chiari 1), I do what I can. Calorie deficit most days is 1000+ calories as I usually knock up more than 10,000 steps a day, climb 3 floors (6flights) when I can, and exercise typically 5times a week if not more.…
  • In the U.K. the package weight is correct on everything I've checked
  • I typically drink beer and I scan the barcode and enter the ml for the can, if I'm out I enter the ml for a pint.
  • Yes, I track alcohol when I drink it.
  • By hard time tracking at the weekend, I mean that if you go out you can be a bit off on your tracking, even if you try to select something equivalent. I've cut booze down. Some days I cut calories to 1000 (this equals yogurt, berries and two pinches of muesli all weighed, half a carton of soup, 1 apple, 1 banana, and a…
  • If I scan barcodes I make sure calories match the box. I weigh items if I need a portion of a larger thing. I don't eat back calories. I also use Fitbit to track exercise. No issues at docs.
  • I weigh and scan barcodes of foods. I don't drink fizzy pop or milky coffee. I have a hard time tracking at the weekend - but mostly stay on track. I've had all the blood tests - nothing showed up. Stats 5'3" (95kg/15st) Gym 2-3 times a week with weights Jiujitsu 2-3 times a week I don't eat back calories from exercise.