Shan0Marie Member


  • Hi! I've lost 36 of the 100 pounds I have to lose, feel free to add me!
  • Hi! I've been on MFP for a few years, but it wasn't until August that I really made the commitment and stuck to it. I've lost 36 of the 100 pounds I want to lose! Hooray! I love cheering on new friends, feel free to add me!
  • Whovian, video game nerd (currently addicted to Fallout 4 again), and all around lover of nerd things here! :) feel free to add me.
  • I'm not full on keto, but I'm not eating grains or added sugar to help manage PCOS, so most of my meals happen to be keto friendly. Feel free to add me!
  • Feel free to add me! I've got 104lbs left to lose, down 21, and I'm not stopping :)
  • Thanks everyone! I really appreciate all of you, especially those who get anxiety and how its irrational and makes you do things you know aren't in your best interest. And to be clear, yes I lost about 6lbs my first week, probably mostly water weight from reduced carbs and processed food/sodium, and have slowed down to…
  • This hit hard. I truly want to reach out and hug you. Depression is a real B, and it's hard to keep your game face on when all you want is to eat a brownie in bed and then go to sleep. But I'm super proud of you for putting your game face on, because whether you realize it or not your game face is what's keeping you sane.…
  • Without being your doctor I couldn't tell you what to do, but if you think you can do it with diet, maybe start there. Until you're ready to change your lifestyle the surgery will only be a simple fix. You have to commit to living that life after the surgery as well! If you can prove to yourself that you can live the…
  • Hello! Would love some MFP friends! :)
  • Check the menu of where you're going to go beforehand and pick and log what you want to eat, that way you'll know how close you are to your goals for the day. That's what I do so I know exactly what I'll be ordering and won't get distracted by what everyone else is eating. If I'm going with friends who would get appetizers…
  • Hi! My name is Shanon. When I first joined I wanted to lose 80lbs. Only 110 to go!? Clearly I need some motivation from some non judgemental and encouraging folks. Add me, I love new friends and I'll encourage you to do your best too!
  • Thank you so much everyone. There's some really great advice in here. I went ahead and changed my goal to 1lb/week and I'm planning more healthy fats and protein into this upcoming week. As far as the carbs vs no carbs debate this isn't a diet I'm looking for, is what I'm going to do for the rest of my life, so I vote…
  • I realize today was horrible... We went out and celebrated my mom's birthday and, while I'm dedicated to what I'm doing, I also don't see it feasible for me as a lifestyle change to not indulge in these rare occasions. My biggest problem today was being so hungry before I ate, I are EVERYTHING in site!! I want to do what…
  • 5'9, 244 eating 1400-1600 daily. I don't eat back wo calories, mainly because with the arthritis in my knee and chest (yes, I have arthritis in the joint that connects the ribs to the chest and goodness me don't ever get it) I'm only able to burn about 300 calories per gym trip before my knee is twice the size. (Dr is…
  • *stares at leg for uncomfortable amount of time* mmmmmmmmmm...
  • I know :( it's just so hard when you watch yourself doing mostly right... I want to see those results! I know I'm an instant gratification person, and I realize I didn't put on this weight overnight. I just want to see it move a little so I know I'm headed in the right direction!
  • I weigh everything on a food scale, use measuring cups, and count. I made nachos yesterday and literally counted every chip I was using in that recipe, then counted to make sure I was getting exactly half. I've weighed and measured EVERYTHING that goes into my mouth :/
  • My family (especially my rail thin mother in law) love to mention my weight casually. "Wouldn't you FEEL BETTER if you lost a little?" No. No I wouldn't. I'll feel better when you shuty so I can enjoy my pizza. K thanks. It wasn't until I went to the Dr and he told me I have high blood pressure (scary hypertension) and…