Logging in public?



  • shaf238
    shaf238 Posts: 4,021 Member
    I have a goal to achieve. I don't care what others think. I'll pull out my tracker or scale with no shame.
  • FibroHiker
    FibroHiker Posts: 398 Member
    I think my real concern is that I foolishly announced at the beginning of the year that this year would be the year I lost the extra weight as opposed to last year and the year before. We all talk about weight loss and whose losing at our gatherings amongst my friends. So far this year I have only maintained. Having people ask me how it's going and only be able to say that I'm working in losing the 5 lb. I gained on vacation is a huge let down.
  • Shan0Marie
    Shan0Marie Posts: 22 Member
    Check the menu of where you're going to go beforehand and pick and log what you want to eat, that way you'll know how close you are to your goals for the day. That's what I do so I know exactly what I'll be ordering and won't get distracted by what everyone else is eating. If I'm going with friends who would get appetizers or something, I'll check a few that would go with my goals and suggest those as well.
    I understand wanting to keep it to yourself, so if you feel like you need to excuse yourself and go to the bathroom to double check something that's absolutely fine! But honestly, it's no ones business what you're doing so if you need to pull up your phone briefly just do it.

    After my workout one day some girls from my new crossfit class invited me to try this protein shake place. I went to be part of the group and get to know them, but the smoothies didn't fit in with my goals, even though it fit with theirs. I got a tea instead, and while they talked about how great their smoothies were and kept insisting I try a shake I said no, I'm happy with my tea and to just be out with all of you :) They understood, even if they kept insisting I try it and talked about how good it was, but it didn't matter. What worked for them wasn't part of my goals.

    Hope this helps!
  • kiela64
    kiela64 Posts: 1,447 Member
    aidydh wrote: »
    I think my real concern is that I foolishly announced at the beginning of the year that this year would be the year I lost the extra weight as opposed to last year and the year before. We all talk about weight loss and whose losing at our gatherings amongst my friends. So far this year I have only maintained. Having people ask me how it's going and only be able to say that I'm working in losing the 5 lb. I gained on vacation is a huge let down.

    That sounds really upsetting. I honestly didn't tell anyone except my SO and my parents. I haven't told any friends, and I've lost 35lbs and no one has noticed. I can't stand interrogation with food, it just increases a lot of anxiety and stress for me.

    Any comments from my parents or SO, even something silly and offhand about how many tomatoes I'm eating, it makes me feel like panicking and crying and I just feel terrible. I think it's something I'm extremely sensitive about, and literally the slightest bit of attention that isn't controlled or directed by me feels like a tidal wave of guilt and shame and fear and it's Not Fun.

    I wonder if there's a way to ask your friends to keep discussions of dieting/weight loss away from the table? Like it's just the worst feeling to sit down to a meal/get up from a meal/be currently eating a meal and then start talking about food and weight. I hate it so much. Even if it's not meant meanly or interrogatively, it just feels like I'm being interrogated and criticized because of my own feelings.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    More seriously, I'm old enough to not want to log when I'm out to dinner with people because I think it's rude to be preoccupied with your phone when you should be giving your attention to the people who are physically with you. Yeah, sure, if you need to take a call or respond to a text from the babysitter or your SO if they're not with you, but I would feel like I was being really rude if I was logging my meal rather than talking to the people I'm with.

    Prelog if you can, or do your best when you get home. Once you've been doing this for a while, you should be able to make a rough ballpark estimate while you're sitting at the table and decide whether you still have leeway for dessert or another drink.

    Yes, I'd avoid logging during the meal for the rudeness factor.

    I don't go out to eat a lot, and can usually get in more exercise that day, look at the menu ahead of time, and prelog.
  • DoubleUbea
    DoubleUbea Posts: 1,115 Member
    "Hey, whatta ya doin aidydh?"
    "I'm minding my own business. You?"
  • FL_Hiker
    FL_Hiker Posts: 919 Member
    edited August 2018
    My meals are roughly the same calories everyday so when we go out I have sort of an idea of what I should be looking for. I treat calories similar to money, if I only have 500 calories to spend I don't want to go over! By now I also have the basics of what most foods cost calorie wise so i can make a pretty good spur of the moment guess in a pinch, when I doubt I'll over guesstimate. But I generally prefer to prelog and have plans.
  • FibroHiker
    FibroHiker Posts: 398 Member
    kiela64 wrote: »
    aidydh wrote: »
    I think my real concern is that I foolishly announced at the beginning of the year that this year would be the year I lost the extra weight as opposed to last year and the year before. We all talk about weight loss and whose losing at our gatherings amongst my friends. So far this year I have only maintained. Having people ask me how it's going and only be able to say that I'm working in losing the 5 lb. I gained on vacation is a huge let down.

    That sounds really upsetting. I honestly didn't tell anyone except my SO and my parents. I haven't told any friends, and I've lost 35lbs and no one has noticed. I can't stand interrogation with food, it just increases a lot of anxiety and stress for me.

    Any comments from my parents or SO, even something silly and offhand about how many tomatoes I'm eating, it makes me feel like panicking and crying and I just feel terrible. I think it's something I'm extremely sensitive about, and literally the slightest bit of attention that isn't controlled or directed by me feels like a tidal wave of guilt and shame and fear and it's Not Fun.

    I wonder if there's a way to ask your friends to keep discussions of dieting/weight loss away from the table? Like it's just the worst feeling to sit down to a meal/get up from a meal/be currently eating a meal and then start talking about food and weight. I hate it so much. Even if it's not meant meanly or interrogatively, it just feels like I'm being interrogated and criticized because of my own feelings.

    I know that no one is trying to be rude in asking how it's going for me. I'm sure they want to be encouraging and are trying to find out if I've had success.

    Maybe I'm just in a group of women where weight loss is on everyone's mind. We are all in our early 40s or soon to be and we all feel the changes we are going through. None of us are having an easy time of it.
  • FibroHiker
    FibroHiker Posts: 398 Member
    Walter__ wrote: »
    There's no shame in logging in public. I do it all the time.

    But just be reasonable. There was once a lady on MFP that made a post about how she'd take her scale to Chipotle, take her burrito apart, weigh every ingredient individually, log it, then put it back together. Lmao. Don't be that lady.


    I definitely won't be that person. Not sure why the food scale was necessary. Maybe she didn't trust the nutrition information on Chipotle's website.
  • mdtaylor2274
    mdtaylor2274 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm a T1D since 1989 and have recently started using MyFitnessPal. I have no shame in checking my glucose levels, logging my data in MyFitnessPal and taking my insulin at the restaurant table. I do try to not fling my syringe around but I LOVE when people ask me what I'm doing. Next thing you know, I'm showing complete strangers how I'm logging my daily food and counting carbs. Be proud of yourself! You're a rock star!
  • VUA21
    VUA21 Posts: 2,072 Member
    seska422 wrote: »
    Tell them you are gathering data for an n=1 science experiment. Mentioning science scares many people away from asking more questions.

    Not my friends! But then again the last thing I did that wasn't for school and was SCIENCE, was to build a trebuchet for a Pumpkin Chunkin' contest.
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,966 Member
    I don't think it's a big deal to just look up calorie info online real quick on your phone. If you really don't want to, go to the bathroom I guess, or you can just lie and say you're checking for an important email or something. If I'm going out to eat with someone though, chances are it's someone I'm close to and wouldn't be worried to log my food in front of them. I've pulled out my budget app to enter my dining bill while still sitting at the restaurant before.
  • RelCanonical
    RelCanonical Posts: 3,882 Member
    Maybe it's an age thing, but nobody really questions me when I'm on the phone, so I just log when I'm there. They probably think I'm texting or something.
  • NovusDies
    NovusDies Posts: 8,940 Member
    People have been able to lose weight without instant access to calorie information for a very long time. Try to find the menu online, pre-log, and then make a mental note of some other options that fit in your day if you want more.

    If you absolutely must fiddle with your phone excuse yourself from the table.
  • AudreyJDuke
    AudreyJDuke Posts: 1,092 Member
    I'd wait until later, then you aren't distracted and all.
  • psychod787
    psychod787 Posts: 4,099 Member
    aidydh wrote: »
    psychod787 wrote: »
    Kitten them. Log and forget. It's your body. Would you ask permission to get a tattoo or piercing if you wanted one? Just my 2 cents...

    It's not about asking permission. It's just the questions that people ask when they see what I'm doing.

    You do you. If you want to be let's say it nicely, tactful, about your logging, then you do you. I refuse to be .....maybe not ashamed is the word, but in the closet about my lifestyle. As far as the lady at Chipotle weighing her food, more power to her. Whatever makes her comfortable. The nutrition labeling at restaurants can be wayyyy off.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    When I logged my food I pre-logged each day in the morning, even if I knew I was going to be eating out I always had a good idea of what I would have and log the cals or use the quick add function. I don't like to use my mobile phone in cafes/restaurants when others are with me - I feel its anti social, I know that's how I feel when I'm eating out with friends and they can't help but check their phones...
  • deputy_randolph
    deputy_randolph Posts: 940 Member
    Just tell people at dinner that you are looking at naked people on the internet...plausible explanation and no questions asked. Maybe less embarrassing even...
  • tirowow12385
    tirowow12385 Posts: 697 Member
    The employee cafeteria.