joncooper1980 Member


  • All the time. Throughout my "cut"/fat loss last year I had 1 refeed per week. Do it properly though. The idea of a refeed is to replenish glycogen levels, which will help you get maintain your energy and strngth at the gym. It doesn't really do much for stalled weight loss although having a day where you eat LOTS of carbs…
    in Refeed Comment by joncooper1980 May 2016
  • FYI - Resistance training = weight training. Squats, deadlifts etc. Plenty of videos on youtube.
  • Agree with the above. Weight loss is all about calories in vs calories out. With fat loss you should also think about what you are eating to preserve muscle mass. I.E eat plenty of protein. this coupled with resistance training can also affect your body composition and give the appearance of a lower body fat percentage.
  • Out of interest why would you say that he doesnt need to cut and yet recommend a slight deficit. Not need to cut implies bulk but he cant bulk in a deficit. Just curious. OP - My opinion differs. I personally think your BF% is too high to bulk. Cut down to between 10-12% first. Then lean bulk. this way you can bulk for a…
  • If you are lactose intolerant are you using a casein protein powder? Who says you are to have 2 a day? Why 2? You should ideally be getting your protein from whole foods and using a protein powder to supplement your diet where you simply cant get enough protein through whole foods. That being said you could either have a…
  • All great answers in here. I'd just like to add that what you eat for your cheat meal can make a difference to your lifts in the gym. If you are trying to maintain muscle whilst losing fat your diet should already be relatively high protein. I.E 1 - 1.5g per lb of bodyweight so adding more protein during your cheat meal…
  • I'm so glad you posted this reply. Misinformation like that post drives me crazy and it needs to be put in check immediately. There is way too much of this bull on the internet. No wonder people get confused.
  • NO. NO and NO. Stop offering advice like this. Its the reason that people are confused. stop perpetuating broscience. * Starvation Mode is a myth. It doesnt exist. Stop saying that it does. * Eliminating one particular food is not the answer. Your body doesnt care where it gets its calories from. Its not biased against…
  • Seems to me like you are overthinking things. Whats your goal?
  • If you are new to weight training it is very possible to gain strength whilst in a deficit. Not so much if you are not new to lifting. And its not possible to tone a muscle. Muscles look more "toned" with lower body fat. So you tone by cutting body fat. You can only grow muscle in a calorie surplus (unless you are in your…
  • Muscle DOES NOT burn fat. More muscle requires more calories to maintain that muscle. Therefore the more muscular you are the higher your daily caloric needs. If you are in a caloric deficit your body will metabolise your fat stores to provide the energy that muscle requires but muscle does not directly burn fat! OP - What…
  • You've still lost 5lbs in 8 days. How is this in any way disheartening. I wouldn't say daily weigh ins are meaningless. However, they should be viewed over a longer period. I.E take daily weigh ins but only consider groups of daily results to *kitten* the overall trend of your weight loss.
  • Agreed. Also agree with a previous response regarding peanut butter or nuts in general. If you are struggling to hit your calorie goal then incorporating these 2 foods into your diet will help tremendously. Plus they are yummy!!
  • I agree. 40/40/20 is a good split if you are of normal health. You could play around with your protein and carbs a little. Protein can provide more satiety throughout the day whereas carbs can provide more energy and can even quash cravings. I personally don't see the need for anyone of normal health to eat 90+ grams of…
  • No problem. I've personally always found it more beneficial to spread my "cheats" throughout the week. It breaks up the daily grind of counting calories. I also think you eat less calories if you cheat for one meal, twice a week than if you cheat for an entire day. its basically a win/win.
  • I got to approx 9-10% by the end of my cut. I personally didn't find it as tough as I thought. HIIT twice per week definitely helped me lose that last 1% and maintaining a heavy lifting routine for 3 days per week helped to ensure minimal muscle loss.
  • Short answer.... yes. if your BMR+calories burned through exercise (i.e your TDEE) is greater than the calories you consumed for the day then you are in a caloric deficit so your body will need to balance that energy gap by burning some fat.
  • Do you really need to "cheat" for a whole day??!! Seems excessive even if you are seasoned to weight loss/gain. Enjoying a meal once or twice a week where you eat whatever you want can be extremely beneficial but having a whole day where you eat to excess can just be counter productive depending on your weight loss goal.
  • 500 calories per day is a decent amount of chocolate!!
  • Its also worth noting that in order for you to have gained nearly 2kgs in fat you would have to over eat your maintenance by more than 14,000 calories!!
  • Yeah I would definitely check your sodium intake. Bear in mind that most if not all takeaway foods are high in sodium. Chinese and Indian especially. I also find that when I have a drinking session I retain a lot of fluid, but this quickly falls back to normal over the course of a few days. As an example I went to an all…
  • To gain weight you need to eat more calories than you consume. Also, your "exercise" should be lifting weights. Maybe do 1 cardio session per week to stay healthy but even then you should be eating back any calories you burn. 91lbs is thin AF so dont worry too much about what you are eating at this stage. Just EAT!
  • you gain weight by eating more calories than you burn. In order to ensure that your weight gain isn't purely fat gain you should follow a simple weightlifting program and ensure that you get progressively stronger.
  • Is this a joke? Weight losing things don't exist. You can lose weight by eating BigMac's every day as long as you expend more calories than you consume.
  • Mexican Pork Chops with Veggies - only 102 calories? What weight is the pork chop?
  • And there is no way of knowing if the takeaway was logged correctly. Chinese food can be extremely calorie dense so if it was logged as say 300 cals then that could be upto 1000 cals out. So it IS possible to undo an entire weeks deficit.
  • Starvation mode is a myth and has been busted repeatedly.
  • There are no setbacks, just lessons. Unless you are morbidly obese there is nothing set in stone. Think of it like this... lets say you don't meet your weekly weight loss target. You get back on track and resume as planned. It takes you a week longer to meet your goal. Not an issue in the grand scheme of things. I've had…
  • I dont know about that. Most of the posts I have read lately have been from people looking to lose "15lbs in 5 weeks". I think there are a lot of people of don't know the difference to be honest.