JaneKnoll1 Member


  • OMG horrific. EVERY SINGLE type 2 diabetic person needs to watch this. Since the day of my diagnosis end of April 2015 I have tried my hardest to control my blood sugar and change to a healthier lifestyle. That video just brings home the absolute necessity to keep a healthy weight and eat properly and exercise. NEVER STOP.…
  • Miss Dawn Phenomenon was visiting you!! No worries you BS is always ok after you wake up!!
  • Welcome Asrai50!!!! If you are looking for friends please add me. My diary is public and I am fairly active online!
  • Your attitude is amazing!!! Keep fighting to keep healthy! Glad you have a pump!!! You are the second person I have "met" that has that type of diabetes. I was full on diabetic (when I was diagnosed I was "sure" I was dying I felt so ill) Feeling great now and I believe life is what you make it...I hope you feel great too…
  • Thank you all for your support!!!! One thing is that you have to always be "on" with diet and exercise. I do have indulgences but right back on healthy train the next meal. A drag but I want my health!!!!
  • Thanks so much!!!!!!!
  • Thanks and hoping you can get off your meds too. For me, I would have taken the meds if it meant control and I couldn't get control off them. Being healthy and active and maintaining good control is good with or without meds in my opinion. I have no doubt that as my disease progresses I will have to take meds again but for…
  • 4.7 this morning!! (84.8) Feeling fabulous!! Just had my lab work on Wednesday and today my diabetic checkup! A1C 5.4 with only diet and exercise control. Have been off Metformin x 6 months now!!!! Happy dancing!!! I work very hard at keeping control and it's paying off!!!!!
  • It's been 6 months since the doctor took me off my diabetic medication (Metformin) I just came from my checkup and great news!!!! A1C is 5.4 with diet and exercise. NO protein in urine. NO complications to date. He wants me to stop my statin to see how I do!!! I don't think I have gotten rid of diabetes but it's under good…
  • Mine was 5.1 (92) this morning and I expected it to be higher as I was out for a friend's birthday celebration and had a pretty large "snack" lol and a wine spritzer. Was a smoked salmon charcuterie board with very yummy goat cheese and these pumpkin and cranberry skinny long crackers. I had a proper dinner salad including…
  • That is fabulous! CONGRATS!!!! something to keep striving for! Very well done!!!!!!
  • I wouldn't stress about that if it drops significantly after you get up!!! Also you are stressed and that can raise BS. If the doctor isn't concerned then I would just keep on the healthy train and keep doing what you are doing when you have a great day but I believe none of us will stay 100% on the healthy without having…
  • What is a cheddar combo? I love cheese anything
  • Good luck both Tess and Judy!!! Cheering and rooting for you both!!!!
  • Congratulation Judy!!!! That is just awesome!!!!
  • Oh YUMMY!!!!! Getting warmed up for our Thanksgiving this weekend! Hahah!!! I love sandwiches!!!! I bet it was delish! It's my granddaughter's birthday on Saturday and then Thanksgiving!! Lol!! I hope I can make decent choices.
  • Look at you go!!! Well done!! That's a big jump in September! Keep going and believe you can do it and you will!!!!!
  • How is your blood sugar now and A1C Ralf? Best wishes to you! Yes I agree and whilst I was losing weight i couldn't tolerate as many carbs as I can now. Not by a great deal but once I started running and swimming and strength training and I had lost my weight I find I can eat more carbs without too much problem. Certain…
  • Excellent Shiny!!!!!
  • Great start!!! Always tell your self that you can do it and you will!! You will feel so much better!!! Cheers for the better blood sugar numbers!! AWESOME!
  • 4.8 (86.4) To comment about the yogurt comment above I find that it's more what I have done the entire day before rather than the previous meal only. Last night at 11pm I had 50g of that Icelandic yogurt and a small pear. Take a look at how your entire day was and exercise is HUGE with regards to how my sugar will he. We…
  • Wow Jim!!!!! You are doing amazing!!!! Sounds like you really really want to do it!!! My motivation were my grandbabies too!! I want to see them grow up! Next time you are at your doctor's appt. I bet you see a better A1C!!!! Walking is a fantastic exercise too! I hope you are proud of what you are achieving!!!! If there…
  • 4.6 at 7:30....slept in a little as I was up till 2 doing the second birthday cake in 2 days haha!! I told them they should have spread out their birthdays :) A NSV is I didn't taste icing or eat cake scraps despite the cake having Irish Cream Swiss Meringue buttercream in the filling and mistily iced. This time if was an…
  • Hi Snoozie! There are a number of Canadians. I usually post in both. What part of Canada are you from? I live in Ottawa. 5.0 (90) I am was taken off metformin in April and glucose is in normal range usually but I do running, swimming, strength training and always walking with 1 day rest per week. That helps. I eat nearly…
  • I can imagine how that would make you feel anxious. I have no experience with that at all. I do know that they biopsy all sorts of things for all sorts of reasons. They probably just want to find out the state of your pancreas as far as damage...they do kidney biopsies when people have CKD to see what the extent of the…
  • Yay!!! It's likely only the dawn phenomenon!! You are doing great and persevering even with all your health issues!! Be well and have a fabulous day!!