I am doing a happy but a little nervous dance here! Yesterday was my 3 month check up and during that time my metformin was reduced to 250 in the morning and 250 at night. My A1C was 5.6. When I was on 1000mg daily (Jan-April) it was 5.5. My doctor is super happy with my exercise, weight, general health and A1C and he…
I thought I would see if anyone had tips to share that keeps them motivated and in good sugar control....there are lots of people struggling and so I thought if we shared what works for us it may help even one person. Mine is embrace your journey...enjoy your life. Nourish your body with good and yummy food so you won't…
I am doing the happy dance! At the end of April I got the shock of a lifetime and was diagnosed with T2D and was way overweight. I went to the doctor for the "flu" which I couldn't shake lol...he was so nice and told me to start walking and eat as healthy as I could. 10 months later I have lost 68 lbs eating healthy with…