Sheffield, mass. And NYC, Greenwich Village
Love to join up too. I lost some pounds about 4 years ago, regained some, just need to get back to healthier habits and lose n more than 10 pounds (so I can fit in my summer clothes)
Ah, sous vide! I used to detest chicken breast. Now I love it (the air-chilled organic kind for me). I don't have a souls vide apparatus, just apply the method with a large pot, a low burner, and a immersion thermometer clipped to the pot.
Yes, I try to follow the Mediterranean "diet" (gosh, there should be a better name for this - "lifestyle" sounds rather odd too ...). I have high cholesterol - so choosing healthy fats (olive oil), eating fish much more often than meat, making vats of homemade soups, pulses and whole grains, works for me. And I'm lucky…
I use beck diet solution. It's fantastic for a person who is somewhat introspective.
I am also looking for a coach/buddy. I used beck a few years ago and found it brilliant! But I need a refresher - and would love to be a coach for a smart, healthy, motivated perekn
I'm in. I also used it successfully a few years back and have returned to it as I've gained some of the weight back. And because it's just time to get my mind back to managing my health better in general
Are you following the Beck Diet Solution - because I am and would like a "friend"
That is great news that you're continuing your journey now. And not "restarting" as you put it - because you understand so much more about yourself than you did 5 years ago. For example- you KNOW that you can do it - if you can reasonably manage your circumstances. Good for you!!!