SME17 Member


  • I started to not enjoy things I used to love at work, I get to go to fancy parties and wear nice dresses and I went to an event in March I'd been planning for 7 months. I put my old black faithful number in my suitcase and found I couldn't get anywhere near doing it up. It was harsh looking at myself just standing there…
  • Hi - I've been trying to lose the baby weight for nearly 3 years now! I was 50lbs overweight - I lost 30lbs and then just kind of maintained that. I've just started back last month on MFP and have lost 6.5lbs. I'm hoping to keep the momentum going and get this last stone off before mid-August when my friend is visiting…
  • I wondered why I weighed less after a night out!
  • What a dramatic change! Keep going and great job!
  • I think I'm going to have to lay off the alcohol :-/ Good to know I'm not the only one though!
  • I leave my children at home with their Dad and go out in the evening to yoga, circuit training etc. I enjoy the social side of classes too. I work FT and have 2 children - and 2 dogs (that need walking!).
  • Thanks. I don't go mad on a Sunday, I guess it's my treat meal but I think I could do better if I hadn't weighed myself in the morning. I definitely treat myself more if the weight is good.
  • I don't have 100 lbs to lose but congratulations on making a healthy decision for yourself and your son. My husband can eat whatever he likes and so I've found I have to eat something different to him as portion control is more difficult for me. I started with 70lbs to lose and I've got a final 15 to go. Juicing for…
  • I'm in the same boat please feel free to add me :)
  • I love juicing - I did a 5 day juice followed by clean eating for 10 days. (I try and stick to clean eating 80% of the time now and have at least one juice each day with more veg than fruit). Coming off coffee and sugar were the hardest for me. I can't seem to get my pics to upload but I lost 9lbs and 18 inches off my…
  • Hi Brittany. I've been juicing for a while and my cholesterol has never been lower, I've also noticed better skin and higher energy if you haven't already tried it juicing is a great way to give yourself a boost and shift a bit of weight quicker. I aim for 5 a week at breakfast and so far so good. I also gave up coffee…