The time is now and I need support to make sure it happens!

I have been on and off MFP for several years. I took a 2 year hiatus...while gone I got pregnant and had a baby boy. Well he's 14 months now and there is no more excuses--no more I am pregnant I can eat what I want or I'm breastfeeding I need to eat more. I need to lose 100 pounds (at least) to be healthy. I want my son to know healthy mommy not fat lazy mommy. My husband also is attempting to lose weight too, but he doesn't always make the best partner-- because he can make lots of excuses when it comes to eating healthy.

I am looking for other women who have 100 lbs to lose or have lost that much to keep each other motivated. I enjoy keeping others motivated and accountable, but I need the same for me--so message me if you have similar goals!!!


  • SME17
    SME17 Posts: 13 Member
    I don't have 100 lbs to lose but congratulations on making a healthy decision for yourself and your son. My husband can eat whatever he likes and so I've found I have to eat something different to him as portion control is more difficult for me. I started with 70lbs to lose and I've got a final 15 to go. Juicing for breakfast really helped me kickstart a healthy day for me. I'm still juicing now and the bonus is the kids love them so they're learning good habits early. Good luck!
  • iwilldoit100
    iwilldoit100 Posts: 17 Member
    That's awesome that you are almost at your goal!! It's not so much my husband can eat anything--he just chooses to. He needs to lose just as much weight as I do, but has more trouble with food choices and portions...which sometimes rubs off on me.