What was your 'I finally need to lose this weight' moment? (And was it as bad as mine?)



  • Knyvern
    Knyvern Posts: 183 Member
    Walking through Walmart and feeling winded. How did I let myself get so out of shape that shopping for groceries is my only workout? Sheesh!
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    I think it was the knee cellulite for me.


    for me it was dimples where my kneecaps should be.
  • Asharee011
    Asharee011 Posts: 129 Member
    Mine was actually recently. I've been overweight ever since I was little. I'd honestly give anything to even be at the weight I was in high school which was still 50lbs overweight but now I'm around 140lbs overweight. I wish I would have tried harder then. But my breaking point was when my boyfriend calls me beautiful and I can't bring myself to believe him. And when I look in the mirror I just feel disgusting.
  • TheLittleGingerDoesWeightLoss
    edited June 2015
    I keep having my moments, but I can't follow through!

    I love photography, but hate to be in front of the camera. I used to be fifty pounds lighter and if I had something I felt to be unflattering, then I could move my body in such a way to mask or hide it. Fifty pounds later, I can't do that. The weight is all over and can't be hidden.

    I am about to move up into plus-size if I haven't already. Depends on the store.

    My butt is wider than the chairs at Cracker Barrel.

    My family has history of diabetes and a family member just had to get a leg amputation as a result.

    I am terrified of meeting people in real life romantically, because surely all the men I find attractive will only be attracted to "tight" women.

    I have acne on my face that is scarring my skin and this got worse as I aged and gained in weight, so it's probably my diet written all over my face.

    I am always the DUFF in my group of friends. Or at least that's how it seems to come off.

    And so many more....
  • persephonic
    persephonic Posts: 7 Member
    Mine was a series of little moments. Clothes got too tight, underwear got too tight, I went from a size 4 to a size 6, but refuse to buy bigger clothes. I have this weird thing where I always feel sexier than I probably am - lol!!!! Like I'm a size 2 when I'm really now a 6-8. Finally we went on vacation and I felt ugly in every outfit I wore. Like a teapot instead of a swan. Also- my energy levels suck because I don't eat well. I did a bunch of research and googling and realized for my size frame and bones, I should really weigh between 115-120, not 135. I also measured my body at all key points and calculated what my ideal measurements should be and I'm working towards those. Am I going to keep letting 15lbs make me change clothes 3x each morning and dictate the outfit I pick bc I look skinniest in it? NO! I am re-teaching myself how to eat. My motivators now, in order of importance are:

    1. More energy every day
    2. For my Current wardrobe to fit like a charm; I have one size 2 skirt that is my goal to wear before summer is out.
    3. Take better care now that I'm in my thirties - age well - prevent health problems.
  • Jenskiski
    Jenskiski Posts: 67 Member
    My family was at Disney World. We had a great trip, but I was utterly exhausted and towards the end of the week I knew I couldn't continue on with how I was living. For me, weight loss is for health more than anything else.
  • MTDDS18
    MTDDS18 Posts: 62 Member
    Ugh, I still hate to think of this moment. But it was at my grandfathers visitation and my great aunt comes up to me, in front of everyone, rubs my belly and asks when the baby is due. When I tell her there is no baby, she loudly protests and tells me I must be wrong. I had to basically run out of there to keep from crying in front of everybody.

    I'm still mortified to think back to it. At 5'2 and 150 pounds I'm heavy, but I'd never considered myself to look pregnant. That's when I knew I had to change something.
  • faith_blessed71
    faith_blessed71 Posts: 1 Member
    There was a couple of aha moments for me, the first being winded walking up steps and my knees hurting all the time, my second was seeing a pic that was taken, it was an eye opener and to be healthier. Ive been losing, taking it one day at a time.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I had a bunch of bad blood work and I didn't want to be on a ton of medications for the rest of my life to fix me...so I started eating right and exercising regularly. The losing weight part was a nice bi-product, but not anything I necessarily set out to do...it just kind of came with the good livin' territory.
  • mellb34
    mellb34 Posts: 33 Member
    I felt a bit bigger so wanted to lose weight with a few online friends as a support group, so we all did a first weigh in, I thought I was coming up to 12 stone but I was actually 12 stone 13 so a tiny bit under 13 stone and just thought my god I need to fix that! Heaviest I'd been in my life and am now down to 11 stone 4!
  • SME17
    SME17 Posts: 13 Member
    I started to not enjoy things I used to love at work, I get to go to fancy parties and wear nice dresses and I went to an event in March I'd been planning for 7 months. I put my old black faithful number in my suitcase and found I couldn't get anywhere near doing it up. It was harsh looking at myself just standing there with the dress unflatteringly squeezing me out of itself. I've had the dress for 8 years and so the last time I wore it, it was maybe a bit snug but not so much I bothered to feel bad about it.
  • Fivefarthings
    Fivefarthings Posts: 33 Member
    Mine was a series of little moments. Clothes got too tight, underwear got too tight, I went from a size 4 to a size 6, but refuse to buy bigger clothes. I have this weird thing where I always feel sexier than I probably am - lol!!!! .
    Sexy is a state of mind, not a state of body! If you feel sexy, then you are sexy, doesn't matter what you look like or what people think! The confidence that shines through makes you sexy!
  • Fivefarthings
    Fivefarthings Posts: 33 Member
    MissAmyx wrote: »
    My "Aha! moment" is actually kind of grim.
    After YET ANOTHER job application rejection I was just in a bad place and felt miserable about myself and my life and i can remember just kind of saying to myself one day "OK your life sucks, your job sucks, you're fat, you can't change the first 2 things but the one thing you can change is your weight! If you're going to be a failure in this life you might as well be a skinny failure rather than a morbidly obese one!"

    and that super motivational speech did the trick, I still keep getting rejection letters, Im still stuck in the same dead end job, BUT I am losing weight! :)

    I'm thinking about stitching my little speech out on a throw pillow so i can see my uplifting words each and everyday emblazoned in golden thread :wink:
    Keep plugging away at the job thing, it will happen for you one day! I always find things tend to follow each other- weight loss leads to feeling better, which leads to feeling more confident, which in turn leads to a great interview and then a great job!
  • opalsqueak007
    opalsqueak007 Posts: 433 Member
    My moment was when I was too fat to get in and out of the bath, yet too physically weak to lift my old Dad off the floor when he fell. I decided to tackle both problems, and one year later, I'm there.
  • skinfaxe
    skinfaxe Posts: 4 Member
    My "I need to lose weight" moment was when twice in one week I was called a fat a** while walking down the road. Classy America. I already had issues with my body due to weight loss so, here I am.(: