ashed456 Member


  • //
  • Thanks so much for all the comments! You have really made the upcoming week great. I think the main thing for me is that I have never been able to stick to something and MFP is actually working. I have luckily started getting it into my mind that even if I loose 0.1 it's still loosing. The extra roll scenario I think is me…
  • I usually try and ignore the added calories that fit bit gives me on MFP. My idea is to not eat the additional calories. So by staying at 1258 as you logged and not eating the remainder 742 its just an added bonus :smile: Well that's how I think anyways
  • South Africa. Living in the UK
  • Its all about having a positive mind set and you will be able to get through it. I am on everyday and also downloaded Workout Trainer to do at home exercises its loads of fun and I would be more than happy to send over the training list each week if you don't want to download it
  • Logged 56days and feeling good but I know myself once the 2months starts lurking I start giving up. Please add would love the additional motivation. Also need ideas for quick meals #studentliving