jpcarducci Member


  • My wife and I did hard core paleo for awhile, awesome plan but man, expensive! I did a slow roll into paleo and felt good. My wife did the hard way, like you, she had no energy for about a week and half to 2 weeks, completely shocked her system.
    in Paleo Comment by jpcarducci June 2015
  • Sorry to offend you!
  • Touche... Glad to meet fellow enthusiasts.
  • Maybe a little but I didn't think it was broad in this case, she stated her macros and workout plan, so changing in her current plan would help give her answers.
  • The great part about both is some say yes and some say no. But they both say it will work for some types of people and not so much for others (in simple terms!) The key word is probably!
  • The only point i was trying to make she has to try something different wether it be dieting or training because its not working for her now.
  • O After I am done reading basics!!
  • Yes snd maybe change when she works out or what she eats after working out when in recovery to help burn more fat.
  • Good one!
  • Really? In general yes we have a head, arms and legs that are all supposed to work the same, you ate correct. So in general every workout program should work the same for all, not. In general people are naturally over weight and some naturally thin. That would mean some hold fat worse then others and that is what makes…
  • Simple question Do you know how her body works? As i stated it might not work for her. There are good calories and there bad calories, just like good carbs and bad carbs also with fats. She has to change something up to know what doesnt work. Its not rocket science!
  • Hey if you want to incorporate fastfood, pizza and icecream in your diets, good for you! IT JUST MIGHT NOT WORK FOR HER.
  • Wow man forget it, we agree to disagree.
  • @ndj1979 The point is trying something different fir her body, to find what works for her. It might not work for you but i thought the same thing, and works great for me.
  • Yes! But she didn't post diet so my suggestion was just to make sure she eating healthy to meet her macros. Aka clean eating i guess i could have worded it differently, again assumed that people understood clean eating! I didnt take as an attack! If she said i eat healthy foods in her post i would have never said "clean…
  • Clean eating is exactly what it says, how hard to understand. You can hit macros by eating fast food but that doesnt make the correct way. Burn out, how? 25 min of cardio and light lifting program later the day. Burn out would be over doing cardio for no reason. Again my suggestion was trying something different, every…
  • My suggesttion was trying something different because what she is doing is not giving her the results she is happy with. Truly you have to weigh your food to get true macro count unless you are an expert an eyeballing. But hey your a pro, right?
  • Ok so adjust your macros, if what your doing is not working you hsve to adjust. Macros still need to be clean eating! How many meals a day? I would try 40/40/20. Cardio am 25 -30 minutes. Train/lift in evening. cardio AM train in the PM. yes its 2 different things and needs to be split to get the effect. other wise you…