Macros help!!



  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    usmcmp wrote: »
    jpcarducci wrote: »
    Ok so adjust your macros, if what your doing is not working you hsve to adjust. Macros still need to be clean eating! How many meals a day? I would try 40/40/20.
    Cardio am 25 -30 minutes. Train/lift in evening.
    cardio AM train in the PM. yes its 2 different things and needs to be split to get the effect. other wise you would already have results so lets start with 5 days a week take sat & sun off, 25 min of cardio in the AM. get up and have 8 oz of water and then hit steady state cardio for 25 min.

    What you are suggesting is totally unnecessary for weight loss. She doesn't need to eat clean, she doesn't need to eat a specific number of meals, she doesn't need an arbitrary macro split that isn't based off weight/lean mass, she doesn't need to workout twice per day, she doesn't need fasted cardio.

    What she does need is to weigh her food.

    Also, you are at a normal weight for your height. It is at the higher end of the normal BMI scale, so you could possibly lose a few more pounds. What is more likely is that you need to gain some lean mass to help you lean out. What does your lifting schedule look like? Do you follow a program or just do what you want?

    Hey, thank you so much for all your replies. I do weigh practically everything I eat. I only use measuring spoons for liquids - Anything that's tsp-tbsp serving. I try to only have healthy fats like coconut oil, avocado, almonds etc.! I eat 5-6 times a day, small meals..of course I have my cheat days, I have the worse sweet tooth, but I try not have anything at home that would tempt me.
    I do only want to lose a few more pounds and or inches. It just seems the older I get the tougher it is to achieve this.
    I am currently doing at home Body Beast program, on my 4th week. 5 days of weight lifting and one day of Cardio and abs. Working at my pace and fitness level. I'm not afraid to lift and although I'm not as strong, I'm willing to work hard to get there. For Lower body I can lift as high as 2 DB 25lbs, For back as high as 22.5 lbs., biceps and shoulders as high but struggling 15lbs - I don't work chest for personal reasons.
    I just decided last week to add 20 minutes of HIIT cardio on the elliptical right after days working on arms, shoulders and back. I figured if I go to strictly lifting and less cardio maybe I'll finally get some lean muscle. My routine before this was kickboxing classes even insanity class, HITT on the elliptical 30-45 minutes and lifting on my own or the gym, maybe 2-3x week, I got bored with this since it wasn't even making much of a difference. but it might have been because At that time I wasn't diligent with logging my food either. I Only logged if I went up to 125lb, I would go into panic mode lol...then I would count calories...1200 and would go back down to 120-123lbs.. Soo I've been yo-yoing from 119-125 for years. Never took into account macros until now. I was still cautious though with keeping fats and carbs down and fiber and protein up. I know now, big mistake. I appreciate all your help and feed back. What do you suggest? @usmcmp

    Your cheat days are undoing all of your work. Instead of having a cheat, fit foods you want into your calories for the day. Cheating means that your diet is too strict for you to stick to.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    jpcarducci wrote: »
    Hey if you want to incorporate fastfood, pizza and icecream in your diets, good for you! IT JUST MIGHT NOT WORK FOR HER.

    if she is in a calorie deficit why would that not work?
  • jpcarducci
    jpcarducci Posts: 22 Member
    Simple question Do you know how her body works? As i stated it might not work for her. There are good calories and there bad calories, just like good carbs and bad carbs also with fats. She has to change something up to know what doesnt work. Its not rocket science!
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    jpcarducci wrote: »
    Simple question Do you know how her body works? As i stated it might not work for her. There are good calories and there bad calories, just like good carbs and bad carbs also with fats. She has to change something up to know what doesnt work. Its not rocket science!

    Simple answer: yes. Barring an actual medical condition, human bodies have the same general physiology.
  • ladygirl123
    ladygirl123 Posts: 37 Member
    usmcmp wrote: »
    usmcmp wrote: »
    jpcarducci wrote: »
    Ok so adjust your macros, if what your doing is not working you hsve to adjust. Macros still need to be clean eating! How many meals a day? I would try 40/40/20.
    Cardio am 25 -30 minutes. Train/lift in evening.
    cardio AM train in the PM. yes its 2 different things and needs to be split to get the effect. other wise you would already have results so lets start with 5 days a week take sat & sun off, 25 min of cardio in the AM. get up and have 8 oz of water and then hit steady state cardio for 25 min.

    What you are suggesting is totally unnecessary for weight loss. She doesn't need to eat clean, she doesn't need to eat a specific number of meals, she doesn't need an arbitrary macro split that isn't based off weight/lean mass, she doesn't need to workout twice per day, she doesn't need fasted cardio.

    What she does need is to weigh her food.

    Also, you are at a normal weight for your height. It is at the higher end of the normal BMI scale, so you could possibly lose a few more pounds. What is more likely is that you need to gain some lean mass to help you lean out. What does your lifting schedule look like? Do you follow a program or just do what you want?

    Hey, thank you so much for all your replies. I do weigh practically everything I eat. I only use measuring spoons for liquids - Anything that's tsp-tbsp serving. I try to only have healthy fats like coconut oil, avocado, almonds etc.! I eat 5-6 times a day, small meals..of course I have my cheat days, I have the worse sweet tooth, but I try not have anything at home that would tempt me.
    I do only want to lose a few more pounds and or inches. It just seems the older I get the tougher it is to achieve this.
    I am currently doing at home Body Beast program, on my 4th week. 5 days of weight lifting and one day of Cardio and abs. Working at my pace and fitness level. I'm not afraid to lift and although I'm not as strong, I'm willing to work hard to get there. For Lower body I can lift as high as 2 DB 25lbs, For back as high as 22.5 lbs., biceps and shoulders as high but struggling 15lbs - I don't work chest for personal reasons.
    I just decided last week to add 20 minutes of HIIT cardio on the elliptical right after days working on arms, shoulders and back. I figured if I go to strictly lifting and less cardio maybe I'll finally get some lean muscle. My routine before this was kickboxing classes even insanity class, HITT on the elliptical 30-45 minutes and lifting on my own or the gym, maybe 2-3x week, I got bored with this since it wasn't even making much of a difference. but it might have been because At that time I wasn't diligent with logging my food either. I Only logged if I went up to 125lb, I would go into panic mode lol...then I would count calories...1200 and would go back down to 120-123lbs.. Soo I've been yo-yoing from 119-125 for years. Never took into account macros until now. I was still cautious though with keeping fats and carbs down and fiber and protein up. I know now, big mistake. I appreciate all your help and feed back. What do you suggest? @usmcmp

    Your cheat days are undoing all of your work. Instead of having a cheat, fit foods you want into your calories for the day. Cheating means that your diet is too strict for you to stick to.

    Ok perfect thanks. I agree with that. based on all the info I provided what should my macros and daily calories be?
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    jpcarducci wrote: »
    Hey if you want to incorporate fastfood, pizza and icecream in your diets, good for you! IT JUST MIGHT NOT WORK FOR HER.

    if she is in a calorie deficit why would that not work?

  • snickers061703
    snickers061703 Posts: 15 Member
    The new studies in the scientific journals are explaining how calories in do not equal calories out for weight loss. If you eat NO processed foods, no iodized salt, no sugar, no artificial anything, especially sweteners, and eat only organic dairy and meat to eliminate exposure to antibiotics and growth hormones, and only organic produce to reduce exposure to round-up which kills your good bacteria in your gut... then you will lose weight. 1400 calories of clean eating is far superior to even 1000 calories of anything processed, as it has a much different effect on the body in terms of how the sugars are processed and stored. Try getting rid of everything in a box for a week, take some probiotics, and see the difference.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    The new studies in the scientific journals are explaining how calories in do not equal calories out for weight loss. If you eat NO processed foods, no iodized salt, no sugar, no artificial anything, especially sweteners, and eat only organic dairy and meat to eliminate exposure to antibiotics and growth hormones, and only organic produce to reduce exposure to round-up which kills your good bacteria in your gut... then you will lose weight. 1400 calories of clean eating is far superior to even 1000 calories of anything processed, as it has a much different effect on the body in terms of how the sugars are processed and stored. Try getting rid of everything in a box for a week, take some probiotics, and see the difference.

    Oh really? Which studies? I have seen zero studies saying that.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    The new studies in the scientific journals are explaining how calories in do not equal calories out for weight loss. If you eat NO processed foods, no iodized salt, no sugar, no artificial anything, especially sweteners, and eat only organic dairy and meat to eliminate exposure to antibiotics and growth hormones, and only organic produce to reduce exposure to round-up which kills your good bacteria in your gut... then you will lose weight. 1400 calories of clean eating is far superior to even 1000 calories of anything processed, as it has a much different effect on the body in terms of how the sugars are processed and stored. Try getting rid of everything in a box for a week, take some probiotics, and see the difference.

    Could you please link these studies? I haven't seen one on this.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    jpcarducci wrote: »
    Simple question Do you know how her body works? As i stated it might not work for her. There are good calories and there bad calories, just like good carbs and bad carbs also with fats. She has to change something up to know what doesnt work. Its not rocket science!

    What's a bad calorie? Can you define that?

    She admitted she cheats, so she's wiping out her deficit. It's not rocket science.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    jpcarducci wrote: »
    Simple question Do you know how her body works? As i stated it might not work for her. There are good calories and there bad calories, just like good carbs and bad carbs also with fats. She has to change something up to know what doesnt work. Its not rocket science!

    CICO applies to everyone as do the the general principles of math and science.

    Please just stop. You have derailed this thread enough.

    there are no good and bad calories, or good or bad carbs...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    The new studies in the scientific journals are explaining how calories in do not equal calories out for weight loss. If you eat NO processed foods, no iodized salt, no sugar, no artificial anything, especially sweteners, and eat only organic dairy and meat to eliminate exposure to antibiotics and growth hormones, and only organic produce to reduce exposure to round-up which kills your good bacteria in your gut... then you will lose weight. 1400 calories of clean eating is far superior to even 1000 calories of anything processed, as it has a much different effect on the body in terms of how the sugars are processed and stored. Try getting rid of everything in a box for a week, take some probiotics, and see the difference.

    oh really?

    please link me to these studies...

    so are saying if I eat 1400 of clean calories vs 1400 of regular calories that I would lose more weight on the clean foods?? Really, is that really what you are saying?
  • sixxpoint
    sixxpoint Posts: 3,529 Member
    jpcarducci wrote: »
    Simple question Do you know how her body works? As i stated it might not work for her. There are good calories and there bad calories, just like good carbs and bad carbs also with fats. She has to change something up to know what doesnt work. Its not rocket science!

    Simple answer: yes. Barring an actual medical condition, human bodies have the same general physiology.

    Perfect answer.

    Many people don't have this type of knowledge and it's actually refreshing to see it on MFP.

    Plants are the same way, if you were curious. For instance, all plants on the face of this Earth do best with a perfect 3:1:2 ratio of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium ratio when it comes to optimal fertilization.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    usmcmp wrote: »
    usmcmp wrote: »
    jpcarducci wrote: »
    Ok so adjust your macros, if what your doing is not working you hsve to adjust. Macros still need to be clean eating! How many meals a day? I would try 40/40/20.
    Cardio am 25 -30 minutes. Train/lift in evening.
    cardio AM train in the PM. yes its 2 different things and needs to be split to get the effect. other wise you would already have results so lets start with 5 days a week take sat & sun off, 25 min of cardio in the AM. get up and have 8 oz of water and then hit steady state cardio for 25 min.

    What you are suggesting is totally unnecessary for weight loss. She doesn't need to eat clean, she doesn't need to eat a specific number of meals, she doesn't need an arbitrary macro split that isn't based off weight/lean mass, she doesn't need to workout twice per day, she doesn't need fasted cardio.

    What she does need is to weigh her food.

    Also, you are at a normal weight for your height. It is at the higher end of the normal BMI scale, so you could possibly lose a few more pounds. What is more likely is that you need to gain some lean mass to help you lean out. What does your lifting schedule look like? Do you follow a program or just do what you want?

    Hey, thank you so much for all your replies. I do weigh practically everything I eat. I only use measuring spoons for liquids - Anything that's tsp-tbsp serving. I try to only have healthy fats like coconut oil, avocado, almonds etc.! I eat 5-6 times a day, small meals..of course I have my cheat days, I have the worse sweet tooth, but I try not have anything at home that would tempt me.
    I do only want to lose a few more pounds and or inches. It just seems the older I get the tougher it is to achieve this.
    I am currently doing at home Body Beast program, on my 4th week. 5 days of weight lifting and one day of Cardio and abs. Working at my pace and fitness level. I'm not afraid to lift and although I'm not as strong, I'm willing to work hard to get there. For Lower body I can lift as high as 2 DB 25lbs, For back as high as 22.5 lbs., biceps and shoulders as high but struggling 15lbs - I don't work chest for personal reasons.
    I just decided last week to add 20 minutes of HIIT cardio on the elliptical right after days working on arms, shoulders and back. I figured if I go to strictly lifting and less cardio maybe I'll finally get some lean muscle. My routine before this was kickboxing classes even insanity class, HITT on the elliptical 30-45 minutes and lifting on my own or the gym, maybe 2-3x week, I got bored with this since it wasn't even making much of a difference. but it might have been because At that time I wasn't diligent with logging my food either. I Only logged if I went up to 125lb, I would go into panic mode lol...then I would count calories...1200 and would go back down to 120-123lbs.. Soo I've been yo-yoing from 119-125 for years. Never took into account macros until now. I was still cautious though with keeping fats and carbs down and fiber and protein up. I know now, big mistake. I appreciate all your help and feed back. What do you suggest? @usmcmp

    Your cheat days are undoing all of your work. Instead of having a cheat, fit foods you want into your calories for the day. Cheating means that your diet is too strict for you to stick to.

    Ok perfect thanks. I agree with that. based on all the info I provided what should my macros and daily calories be?
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    jpcarducci wrote: »
    Hey if you want to incorporate fastfood, pizza and icecream in your diets, good for you! IT JUST MIGHT NOT WORK FOR HER.

    if she is in a calorie deficit why would that not work?

    I would set your calories to about 1300, with protein at around 95 grams and fat around 45 grams
  • jpcarducci
    jpcarducci Posts: 22 Member
    jpcarducci wrote: »
    Simple question Do you know how her body works? As i stated it might not work for her. There are good calories and there bad calories, just like good carbs and bad carbs also with fats. She has to change something up to know what doesnt work. Its not rocket science!

    Simple answer: yes. Barring an actual medical condition, human bodies have the same general physiology.

    Really? In general yes we have a head, arms and legs that are all supposed to work the same, you ate correct. So in general every workout program should work the same for all, not. In general people are naturally over weight and some naturally thin. That would mean some hold fat worse then others and that is what makes bodies different. So again back to the point. SHE IS NOT HAPPY SHE HAS TO TRY SOMETHING DIFFERENT TO UNDERSTAND WHAT WORKS FOR HER END RESULTS.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    jpcarducci wrote: »
    jpcarducci wrote: »
    Simple question Do you know how her body works? As i stated it might not work for her. There are good calories and there bad calories, just like good carbs and bad carbs also with fats. She has to change something up to know what doesnt work. Its not rocket science!

    Simple answer: yes. Barring an actual medical condition, human bodies have the same general physiology.

    Really? In general yes we have a head, arms and legs that are all supposed to work the same, you ate correct. So in general every workout program should work the same for all, not. In general people are naturally over weight and some naturally thin. That would mean some hold fat worse then others and that is what makes bodies different. So again back to the point. SHE IS NOT HAPPY SHE HAS TO TRY SOMETHING DIFFERENT TO UNDERSTAND WHAT WORKS FOR HER END RESULTS.

    please stop screaming and go read a book on basic nutrition.

  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    edited June 2015
    jpcarducci wrote: »
    jpcarducci wrote: »
    Simple question Do you know how her body works? As i stated it might not work for her. There are good calories and there bad calories, just like good carbs and bad carbs also with fats. She has to change something up to know what doesnt work. Its not rocket science!

    Simple answer: yes. Barring an actual medical condition, human bodies have the same general physiology.

    Really? In general yes we have a head, arms and legs that are all supposed to work the same, you ate correct. So in general every workout program should work the same for all, not. In general people are naturally over weight and some naturally thin. That would mean some hold fat worse then others and that is what makes bodies different. So again back to the point. SHE IS NOT HAPPY SHE HAS TO TRY SOMETHING DIFFERENT TO UNDERSTAND WHAT WORKS FOR HER END RESULTS.

    You're right that she has to do something different, she should stop cheating and undoing her deficit.
  • jpcarducci
    jpcarducci Posts: 22 Member
    Good one!
  • jpcarducci
    jpcarducci Posts: 22 Member
    usmcmp wrote: »
    jpcarducci wrote: »
    jpcarducci wrote: »
    Simple question Do you know how her body works? As i stated it might not work for her. There are good calories and there bad calories, just like good carbs and bad carbs also with fats. She has to change something up to know what doesnt work. Its not rocket science!

    Simple answer: yes. Barring an actual medical condition, human bodies have the same general physiology.

    Really? In general yes we have a head, arms and legs that are all supposed to work the same, you ate correct. So in general every workout program should work the same for all, not. In general people are naturally over weight and some naturally thin. That would mean some hold fat worse then others and that is what makes bodies different. So again back to the point. SHE IS NOT HAPPY SHE HAS TO TRY SOMETHING DIFFERENT TO UNDERSTAND WHAT WORKS FOR HER END RESULTS.

    You're right that she has to do something different, she should stop cheating and undoing her deficit.

    Yes snd maybe change when she works out or what she eats after working out when in recovery to help burn more fat.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    edited June 2015
    jpcarducci wrote: »
    usmcmp wrote: »
    jpcarducci wrote: »
    jpcarducci wrote: »
    Simple question Do you know how her body works? As i stated it might not work for her. There are good calories and there bad calories, just like good carbs and bad carbs also with fats. She has to change something up to know what doesnt work. Its not rocket science!

    Simple answer: yes. Barring an actual medical condition, human bodies have the same general physiology.

    Really? In general yes we have a head, arms and legs that are all supposed to work the same, you ate correct. So in general every workout program should work the same for all, not. In general people are naturally over weight and some naturally thin. That would mean some hold fat worse then others and that is what makes bodies different. So again back to the point. SHE IS NOT HAPPY SHE HAS TO TRY SOMETHING DIFFERENT TO UNDERSTAND WHAT WORKS FOR HER END RESULTS.

    You're right that she has to do something different, she should stop cheating and undoing her deficit.

    Yes snd maybe change when she works out or what she eats after working out when in recovery to help burn more fat.

    Go read:

    Also, since you keep talking about fasted cardio:
  • jpcarducci
    jpcarducci Posts: 22 Member
    edited June 2015
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    The new studies in the scientific journals are explaining how calories in do not equal calories out for weight loss. If you eat NO processed foods, no iodized salt, no sugar, no artificial anything, especially sweteners, and eat only organic dairy and meat to eliminate exposure to antibiotics and growth hormones, and only organic produce to reduce exposure to round-up which kills your good bacteria in your gut... then you will lose weight. 1400 calories of clean eating is far superior to even 1000 calories of anything processed, as it has a much different effect on the body in terms of how the sugars are processed and stored. Try getting rid of everything in a box for a week, take some probiotics, and see the difference.

    oh really?

    please link me to these studies...

    so are saying if I eat 1400 of clean calories vs 1400 of regular calories that I would lose more weight on the clean foods?? Really, is that really what you are saying?

    usmcmp wrote: »
    jpcarducci wrote: »
    usmcmp wrote: »
    jpcarducci wrote: »
    jpcarducci wrote: »
    Simple question Do you know how her body works? As i stated it might not work for her. There are good calories and there bad calories, just like good carbs and bad carbs also with fats. She has to change something up to know what doesnt work. Its not rocket science!

    Simple answer: yes. Barring an actual medical condition, human bodies have the same general physiology.

    Really? In general yes we have a head, arms and legs that are all supposed to work the same, you ate correct. So in general every workout program should work the same for all, not. In general people are naturally over weight and some naturally thin. That would mean some hold fat worse then others and that is what makes bodies different. So again back to the point. SHE IS NOT HAPPY SHE HAS TO TRY SOMETHING DIFFERENT TO UNDERSTAND WHAT WORKS FOR HER END RESULTS.

    You're right that she has to do something different, she should stop cheating and undoing her deficit.

    Yes snd maybe change when she works out or what she eats after working out when in recovery to help burn more fat.

    Go read:

    Also, since you keep talking about fasted cardio:

    After I am done reading basics!!