lukeybuchanan Member


  • Welcome to the MFP community Gerald! Ill send you an add now and hopefully we can both keep each other on track. My biggest problem is just making this a habit, but everyone here definitely helps keep you accountable. Luke
  • Hey Emily, yeah just repeating what Hammett has said, amazing work on losing 3.4lbs! Getting on this app is definitly a great step towards keeping you accountable. Some great people on here and in the short time ive been on it i havent encountered to many a**holes haha Here's to reaching our goals!
  • Hey Keisha! I'm new at the app but plan on making it a habit and updating it regulary. Congrats on already losing 10.5lbs! Thats brilliant! Hopefully we can both help each other out on this. I plan on starting up a recipe section which I'd say most of the members on here will really benefit from
  • Great stuff so far mate! Ill certainly add you and hopefully we can keep each other on track. Anyone else looking for nutrition or training advice, or just a chat shoot me an add.
  • Hey also new, ill certainly add you and hopefully we can both benifit from the mutual support. My biggest problem is just making this app a habit... Hope everyone feels free to shoot me an add and hopefully we can all help each other stay on the right track!
  • Hey Bobby! Great to meet like minded people, and there seems to be plenty of them on this app! Small world! Im from dublin myself! Hopefully we can both help each other along the way, sure what else is a community there for if its not to help each other.
  • Hey Joanne, pleasure meeting you too! Exactly what I want to hear, looking to make as many friends on here as possible.
  • Hey there! I'm new to MyFitnessPal but definitely up for helping you stay on track!