mycaptain_2010 Member


  • Hi Bri, I've been thru a similar situation and still battle with some things today. After being with my husband for 4 years I finally admitted my disorder just 3 months ago. He is as supportive as he can be but like u said it's a little difficult for them to understand. It's a daily struggle so I know what ur going thru,…
  • You're on the right track, just take it one step at a time :)
  • I know the feeling well, but you can do it! Just take one day at a time, feel free to add :smile:
  • I have "captain" on the side of my right foot (the name of my first truck) purple roses across my lower back, "strength" on the top of my right shoulder and "hope" on the left (strength for today and hope for tomorrow) and the newest addition is my arrow on my right wrist and forearm. I'm ready for more :smiley:
  • Btw, there's a great app called SWORKIT... It's an exercise app and it's amazing! It has cardio, yoga, strength and stretching and you can customize your own work out! Also U can sync it with ur fitnesspal to calculate how many calories u burn! Good luck, feel free to add :)
  • It's easy to fall off the wagon when junk is so much more convenient to eat! Stay encouraged, just take one day at a time! Feel free to add
  • Just take one day at a time and start out slow, You've lived this lifestyle for a while so trying to change everything overnight is pretty impossible! Get active, even if it's just walking or light cardio for 10 mins. The more you do it the easier it gets and the longer you can go, cutting out your sugars is going to help…