prplepeep Member


  • My weight and hair growth were the issues that bother me most! My doctor just put me on Metformin, I was hoping to hear others say it worked for their unwanted girlie beards. I've always known I would go to laser removal when I can afford to... but I'm really praying that this Metformin will do the job of removing most if…
  • I just started Metformin for PCOS myself. I'm on week 2 and full of curiosity and questions- this thread was great! :-)
  • Indeed. Sorry guys, and Thanks! I was going by what this said my intake should be and common sense.
  • I got it, Thanks for helping. I'll talk to my doc about what should be appropriate for me.
  • Thank You for being nice about it. :wink: . That makes sense! And it was explained to me that my personal maintenance level is not going to be the same as average- which is what had me so confused. (This thing telling me I needed to eat more than my normal consumption when I was normally well below 1710 was confusing as I…
  • Thanks strong_curves. It seems others are into bashing me more than helping. Glad to be their punching bag- hope they get their work out in. LOL <3
  • I'm new to this, so no, I don't understand what you mean by your abbreviations. My doctor and I went over my daily diet and exercise regimes and concluded that it didn't make sense that I wasn't losing weight, but instead gaining. That along with other symptoms lead to a diagnosis of having PCOS. She gave me a thumbs up on…
  • Actually it does, as I didn't change a thing aside from keeping track on here- in fact, ate more calories than normal. If you read the part that said I had a medical condition leading to my weight - YES, it is quite possible I have indeed been eating in deficit and still gain (It's how we knew something was wrong). It's…
  • Hello from NC. I was recently diagnosed as well, and hoping this discovery will help me get to some "normality" as far as symptoms go. Feel free to add me as well- I'd love to have some support and share with Gals that know the struggle is real!!! LOL
  • I'll check it out. Thanks!!
  • Good job! I agree, and I do eat what I want in moderation. I ate the last piece of twix and oreo caramel chocolate icecream cake I made, today!! LOL. I don't mind some processed foods- but in making things myself I control what ingredients go into it., and still enjoy the shelved favorites. I have a thing for all these…
  • I see. It still makes me feel as if I am supposed to eat more than I do. If anything, I thought I over-eat ( I get too full, you know that stuffed feeling) But I don't eat a "normal diet" it is naturally going to be lower calorie. I don't shop the middle of the supermarkets. The majority of the foods I have are fresh…
  • Yes, I did have them confused, I've edited it to make sense! LOL - Thank You!!
  • It is indeed Calories rather than carbs- You are so right! Sorry about that, let me see if it will let me edit the post (I had them mixed up)
  • Thank Y'all! Now that I know I have it, it has given me some hope back and motivated me to keep going and to push a little harder again. My doc put me on METformin which will help regulate my hormones and has been known to reduce and even eliminate the symptoms that bother me. Cysts have not been troublesome, and I cycle…
  • It took 15 years for a doc to recognize mine- high testosterone being the major indicator aside from being pretty much text book for it otherwise. I'm surprised how many doctors over looked it over the years. She prescribed METformin for me as well. It's been a week! B)