

  • I'm 5'8" currently 170lbs ideal is around 150lbs
  • Same with me although i do notice it when looking down. Thinking about it when insit curled up and sleep it's always leaning on my left side! The wii fit always says I put more pressure on my left side! Inhale oly noticed it since I had my daugter, could pregnancy be linked!
  • From what I have learnt this week you need too add 785 cals to your daily intake. If you look at your diary it will automatically calculate it for you! So in total you will eat 1985. Hope i'm working out ok!
  • Pre menstrual tension!
  • New Looks sizing is so rubbish theses days. I too tried on a lovely size 14 dress and I so struggled to get it over my shoulders let alone my bust and hips! I have an old pair of size 10 Next jeans that I only wear on my skinny days, but recently could fit only just squeeze into a size 14! Uk sizing is all over the place!
  • I am too 5'8 and currently a size 12 - 14. I'm not sure of my measurements although I'm 34 ff bust! I'm hoping to get down to 10 -12! With my healthy weight of 10 half stone. (I have never been a size 8 even at my smallest of 9 and half stone).
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