JamieDeck1975 Member


  • Nice view of Mt Colden. I am currently working on my 46 :)
  • Following an 1800 cal diet and finishing all three rounds of T25, I was able to drop over 40 lbs. I am now re-doing Gamma Hybrid as like the Focus on strength training and endurance. I have also started throwing in a few 5-8k runs a week :). When I finished Gamma the first time I borrowed P90X3 but could not get past how…
  • Tomorrow is my last day of Gamma. I started at 262 lbs and have been following an 1800 cal diet for the entire time (with eating back some of the workout calories). I am proud to say that I am just shy of 40 lbs down. Keep up with the workouts and the nutrition and you will see results!