SSwaby915 Member


  • 5ft 3 1/2in. Recently lost 30lbs on my journey. Have done this before and have decided that it has to be a total lifestyle change. Will be 58 soon and want to be at my goal of 60lbs lost by then. Have cals set at 1000, doing treadmill 3x week with some strength training and walking on gym off days. Usually eat back part of…
  • I too have been on this roller coaster before and realize that the only way to get right and tight is to make it a lifestyle change! I'm new to MFP but have found it extremely helpful in my journey. I've found that by seeing what I put in I can make better choices and/or substitutions. My work schedule is crazy (3:30 pm to…
  • Thanks. I've hit my goal several times, but didn't maintain it. I'm halfway at my goal and more determined this time to get there and stay there. The rest of my life depends on it! :)
  • I've finally made up my mind that this is how it has to be going forward!