beckyvanboxtel Member


  • I love having homemade chili and homemade spaghetti sauce in the freezer, in 1 cup portions. Then i add a cup of frozen veggies (green beans works best for both) and a cup of broth. Soup for lunch and dinner! Add brown rice or pasta for added yum!
  • What if my vegetable intake is lacking. I want to be able to get more vegetables, and spinach in my protein shake seems reasonable.
  • my family is also starting the transition. it is hard, because i have low iron often and I love hamburgers... We eat a lot of the veggie crumblers mixed with vegetables. morningstar has come back with the steak and chicken strips that are awesome for stir fries. we also eat a lot of cheese and cottage cheese. lentils work…
  • Hello, new mom here, all of 4 weeks. Going to start MFP today and looking for new moms to lose with. I'd like to lose about 50 lbs all together, but 20 from the pregnancy.