kaylanoto Member


  • I'm trying to gain muscle.. Id be okay with gaining weight as long as it's muscle and not fat. Trying to gain as little fat as possible
  • On average I burn 2200 calories a day. I've read to add 300-500 cals to gain muscle. I'm not trying to lose anymore weight, just want to gain muscle.
  • Thank you! When I was just doing cardio I was eating around 1200-1500 calories a day. I typically burn 2200 cals a day, so when I was doing just cardio I was solely trying to lose weight. I changed things up this month as I don't want to lose anymore weight, just want to gain muscle. I'm now trying to eat 2000-2500…
  • I use to do cardio only (I liked it, and didn't feel comfortable with weights). I also use to eat 1200-1500 calories a day as I wanted to maintain a minimum of 500 cal deficit. I now do weight training 3-5 days a week and eat 2000-2500 cals a day. (I haven't actually reached 2500 cals yet, but that is my goal. It was just…
  • Aw thank you! It took me 6 months. I had many many slip ups along the way. I did only cardio until 2 months ago. If I'd do it over I would definitely add weights much earlier. But I really love cardio so it made losing the weight easy/fun and didn't feel like "work." So I would suggest doing whatever type of workouts you…
  • Thank you so much! When I first started I added in a lot of cardio.. this really helped me a lot (but I also enjoyed it so it was motivating for me that way as well). I focused mostly on making sure I was walking more and being more active every day. I have since added in some workouts/weights to try and tone some areas.…