Met your goal. Now what? My results w/pictures

kaylanoto Posts: 11 Member
My nonscale victory. 1 month difference. On the left I was mostly focused on cardio. On the right I am mostly focused on weights.

After reaching my goal of losing 28lbs I still didn't like the way I looked/felt. After hours of research I learned the term was "skinny fat." You reach a healthy weight and still have chubby areas (mine are my thighs and tummy). After just a month of switching my routine I have lost some of my tummy fat. Time to focus on building some muscle


  • xmarye
    xmarye Posts: 385 Member
    Congrats! I would kill to look like this lol. How long did it take you to lose 30lbs?

    Thanks for the inspiration!
  • suemcmurry
    suemcmurry Posts: 188 Member
    edited April 2017
    Holy crap girl, you look AMAZING!!! WOW!!!! :):):)

    And I concur with xmarye!!!!!!
  • KelGen02
    KelGen02 Posts: 668 Member
    Great job!! You look amazing!!
  • liftorgohome
    liftorgohome Posts: 25,455 Member
    Great job what did you switch up?
  • 3rdof7sisters
    3rdof7sisters Posts: 486 Member
    You look great in the first picture, fantastic in the second!
    Nice work!
  • trixieberry17
    trixieberry17 Posts: 79 Member
    Great job!!! You look awesome!
  • sarraheclark
    sarraheclark Posts: 125 Member
    That is an amazing transformation in just one month. What type of a calorie difference are you eating now compared to when you were doing just cardio?
  • kaylanoto
    kaylanoto Posts: 11 Member
    xmarye wrote: »
    Congrats! I would kill to look like this lol. How long did it take you to lose 30lbs?

    Thanks for the inspiration!

    Aw thank you! It took me 6 months. I had many many slip ups along the way. I did only cardio until 2 months ago. If I'd do it over I would definitely add weights much earlier. But I really love cardio so it made losing the weight easy/fun and didn't feel like "work." So I would suggest doing whatever type of workouts you love :)
  • kaylanoto
    kaylanoto Posts: 11 Member
    tjkita wrote: »
    Great job what did you switch up?

    I use to do cardio only (I liked it, and didn't feel comfortable with weights). I also use to eat 1200-1500 calories a day as I wanted to maintain a minimum of 500 cal deficit.
    I now do weight training 3-5 days a week and eat 2000-2500 cals a day. (I haven't actually reached 2500 cals yet, but that is my goal. It was just a big jump in such a short time as I've only changed my routine for this last month).
    I still do cardio because I love it and want to work on my heart as well, but my main focus is weights. I also make sure I eat more protein than ever before and I make sure I don't overdo it on the carbs. I make sure I eat enough carbs a day, but I try not to exceed my carb goal too often as I don't want to gain any unnecessary fat along the way.
  • kaylanoto
    kaylanoto Posts: 11 Member
    That is an amazing transformation in just one month. What type of a calorie difference are you eating now compared to when you were doing just cardio?

    Thank you! When I was just doing cardio I was eating around 1200-1500 calories a day. I typically burn 2200 cals a day, so when I was doing just cardio I was solely trying to lose weight.
    I changed things up this month as I don't want to lose anymore weight, just want to gain muscle. I'm now trying to eat 2000-2500 calories a day. It's definitely on the lower end of trying to gain muscle, but that is only because I'm not use to eating that much so I'm gradually moving into it.
    My goal this month is to eat 2000-2500 calories a day so that by next month I will be able to eat 2500-2700 cals.
    I should add, I started adding weights in 2 months ago but I was still eating 1200-1500calories and I saw no progress. Recently learned that you need to eat more than you burn if you want to gain muscle, since I've changed that I have already seen a big difference. (The photo difference).
    1MADGIRL Posts: 838 Member
    Wow amazing progress!!!

    May I ask what your lifting routine looks like please?
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