araniaartist Member


  • Thanks, ljopurcell! Hmmm, what helped me the most was mostly getting down to a routine - making myself weigh myself every morning, even if it was after a cheat day to see how my body reacted to various things I had that day. Sometimes, there'd be a meal I guestimated calories on and found that regardless, if I went there I…
  • Lauraann - No - All of what I've done up to now is just concentrating on losing weight - I haven't had to worry about excess skin. I'm starting a more vigorous workout routine, however, looking at putting on a bit of muscle, but I haven't done any of that beyond just basic walks around the neighborhood and occasionally…
  • Thank you so much, everyone! I wanted to treat posting to this forum as a reward to myself for meeting and maintaining my weight loss goals - I'm glad that I can be an inspiration and a testimony to the program being effective, and your cograts are really going to make my week! <3
  • I'm 5'3", My starting weight was 191lbs and my current weight is 117 :)
  • Thank you so much, everyone! I've been meaning to post for a while, but I really feel like I've turned my life and confidence around.