SparkyTinman Member


  • Oh...and you are your own person and this is kindly meant! Agree - baby steps - so maybe get one fabulous thing from the bakery and enjoy it...but not a ‘box’ of it 😋. Not judging - I too enjoy boxes if goodies from the bakery. ...but sadly, I then enjoy it ALL with no moderation whatsoever. 😩
  • Sending you good vibes and energy so that you feel lighter, physically and spiritually. Very cute puppy! Perhaps make that your member image rather than the pile of refuse 😉. Seeing that cute puppy whenever you log in will definitely lift your spirits ☺️.
  • Agreed! SlimmyMcDreamy or some such thing would be far more appropriate. ...and would love to see that smile from your ‘before’ pic when you are ready to post it. Thanks so much for the post. You give us all hope and inspiration that we too can overcome 💪
  • Your English and journey are both amazing! Thank you for the tip about how to eat large to get small. Being able to eat a huge meal full of vegetables sure beats an over processed protein bar/shake or 1/2 cup of potatoes with my meat that wouldn’t fill my pet! I agree eating a large amount of vegetables is a much better…
  • Your pictures look like an older brother and a younger brother rather than a before and after. You took years off in addition to the pounds! Thanks so much for posting. Eating out less and 30 min a day for those kind of results sounds totally doable and worth it to the rest of us. Well done!!!
  • Your post is one of my most favourites! Not only do you look 10 years younger, it is crazy how much more you can see your eyes! Beautiful! Well done! (I think I may make lash extensions my 'goal weight' treat
  • Thanks so much for the post and CONGRATULATIONS!! After so many starts and stops (quick losses followed by equally quick gains ++), I think you are 100% correct. Slow and steady wins the race! I just upped my calories to a more livable, lifestyle amount to lose 1 to 1.5 a week. Now I don't feel quite so deprived and…
  • Holy cow! You went from 'knockin' on 40' to 'can I see some ID please?'. Awesome success pics! Well done!
  • OMGosh!! I was just sitting here on a commuter train feeling miserable after so many false starts. Since I have 100+ to lose I was thinking that maybe if I just aim for 10, it won't feel so daunting. ...and then I logged in to look for inspiration and here you are!!!! Well done
  • AMAZING!!! Writing a note to myself - an idea I used in my 20's that worked for a different reason. Thanks for resurrecting the idea for me for weight loss. Brilliant! You look a min of 15 years younger. Please keep posting!!! And congrats on your success - just an awesome role model of strength and tenacity for your kids.…
  • WOW, WOW, WOW!!! Best comparison pic ever - and in one year!!!! Amazing - well done. Make sure you post your own success story if you haven't already. Will help us 'lurkers'.
  • Oh my goodness don't be worried about the look on your face or how you looked in the pink shirt pic...just like all of us, you were probably unhappy at the start, needing to make a change. And what a change you've made!!! Amazing results! elisa123gal is right as it looks like a mother-daughter picture
  • What a great idea with the 'mini goals' on exercise. Though some of those still seem daunting to me, I love the idea of carving them into smaller more achievable chunks. Your story is very inspirational to those of us who have a lot to lose. Well done - thanks for your post. You look so healthy and amazing!!
  • Suzlee1995 - I can't quite remember the quote but a related one to yours is "A year from now you will have wished you started today. Don't wait for tomorrow, start today." I agree - let's forget about how long it will take. I have done that for too many years and it derails me everytime. Even if it is only a pound every…
  • Wow!!! You look so much younger now. Hoping that happens for me when I get to where you are! Amazing work - well done! Very inspiring - thanks for your post. Helps keep the rest of us track :)
  • Best clothing comparison pic EVER!!! Well done!!
  • Not too far into my journey, but my bra is no longer a weapon! I can wear it now without feeling like it is a medieval torture truss.
  • Aw - feel bad no one replied to your post, but I have seen/know lots of people who did just Calorie counting and had it work for them. It worked for me when I was in my early 20's but regrettably I have no digital images to share. I lost 40lbs doing 1,000 calories a day, which now that I am older realize it was perhaps a…
  • You look absolutely amazing and I love that you are obviously invested in moving at the gym - well done!! Cheers to crushing your last 20 lbs!!
  • Good old book and pen! When you are not at work, take screen shots of the list of foods you commonly eat so you have the cals to reference. Or buy a cheap calorie counter book. Another idea is to make your meals for the day to bring with you and pre-log them. One poster said that was how they kept themselves on plan so…
  • Wow! Your really do look amazing! Happy anniversary!!! You seriously look 15-20 years younger and have such a pretty smile and eyes that you can see so much better now with the weight gone. Such an inspiration! Please do post again and I wish you well on your continued journey. One year and that kind of weight loss is no…
  • Congratulations on reaching 'onederland'!!! Well done!!! You should feel good - physically and mentally! That is a great success!
  • You look awesome and your friends are right - it doesn't look as bad as you think. But I can understand after having lost all that, having the legacy of a reminder of those days and perhaps not looking the way you had hoped would make you want to correct it. If you have any doubts about it, perhaps give it some time and…
  • I saw your last post and snapped your original before and afters (and then some of myself wearing the same outfit that I too have) to prove to myself it is possible to look and feel amazing! So glad you posted again with more pics and now realize I have to MOVE EVERYDAY! Even if just a little bit. Your post is my big…
  • Awesome post! Total success story! Way to go fitting in movement at whatever time works! Makes me motivated to do the same (though it will be on my treadmill for fear I'd fall only to be found turtled at 7:30am by people heading to work
  • Okay - I shortened the quote but I think the entire post is a 'must read' for all. I teared up with happiness for you. Great thread and great post! So inspiring! Makes me know I can do this and that slow and steady will reap many rewards
  • Not much difference - Steel cut is slightly lower on thr glycemic index but really, as long as you are using good quality quick oats with no added sugar, they are good for you. If you prefer the taste of those and you will eat them, then that is the way to go. The difference between them is minimal
  • Sorry - yes add cooked oats to the jar.
  • Not sure what happened to the rest of my post?! I use 'small jelly jars' - sorry - don't know the size. This one is 100g vanilla greek yogurt, 1/2 cup blackberries and 1/3 cup granola and is 250 calories total. The next size up jars are better to 'mix and eat' but since we all eat them now I use smaller jars for space…
  • Hi georgesgeri83 - I will try to show you a picture - not sure if I will load it properly so hope it works!