noel2fit Member


  • 30-years-old 2nd pregnancy Height 5'6" SW: 150lbs Goal: 25lbs Week 4: 150 Week 5: 150 Week 6: 150 Week 7: 151 (+1) Week 8: 150 Week 9: 149 (-1) Week 10: 150 Week 11: 150 Week 12: 148 (-2)
  • @hesn92 That's so exciting! It's almost baby time! 30-years-old 2nd pregnancy Height 5'6" SW: 150lbs Goal: 25lbs Week 4: 150 Week 5: 150 Week 6: 150 Week 7: 151 (+1) Week 8: 150 Week 9: 149 (-1) Week 10: 150 Week 11: 150 Do you all increase calories intentionally to start gaining? I've been struggling to hit 2k lately…
  • I'm currently pregnant too and gained the recommended 25lbs with my first, and plan to do the same this time. The easiest formula is to eat at maintenance during 1st trimester, 300 calories extra 2nd trimester, and 500 calories extra 3rd trimester. This is the most basic average for a woman starting at a healthy BMI with a…
  • 30-years-old 2nd pregnancy Height 5'6" SW: 150lbs Goal: 25lbs Week 4: 150 Week 5: 150 Week 6: 150 Week 7: 151 (+1) Week 8: 150 Week 9: 149 (-1) Week 10: 150
  • I think it's fair to ask, but agree with others it's an ask the other people in the house need to be on board with. It's not necessarily something we can demand. At our house, we keep minimal junk and the compromise is buying things that don't tempt me but that he still loves. Flavors of ice cream that aren't my favorite,…
  • @csilladev I love Mina too!! Also second calling into the OB/ nurse line just to gauge initial reaction and see what they suggest. 30-years-old 2nd pregnancy Height 5'6" SW: 150lbs Goal: 25lbs Week 4: 150 Week 5: 150 Week 6: 150 Week 7: 151 (+1) Week 8: 150 Week 9: 149 (-1) Not feeling well this week- MS has turned into…
  • I'm active, have a toddler and currently pregnant! Adding now :)
  • @hesn92 You look like you're right on target for that! Even if not, you're so close I'd call it goal met. Statistical variance! 30-years-old 2nd pregnancy Height 5'6" SW: 150lbs Goal: 25lbs Week 4: 150 Week 5: 150 Week 6: 150 Week 7: 151 (+1) Week 8: 150
  • I could use active friends, especially pregnant friends and parents making this fitness thing happen. I'm currently pregnant with a toddler at home and the struggle is real.
  • @csilladev I'm still pretty early, hit 8 weeks Sunday, but I have moments of "yuck food is gross" and also "chuck all the things into my black hole stomach"! Right now I'm struggling a little because I hurt my back at crossfit about 2 weeks ago and working out with an injury while pregnant is proving to be quite a mental…
  • 30-years-old 2nd pregnancy Height 5'6" SW: 150lbs Goal: 25lbs Week 4: 150 Week 5: 150 Week 6: 150 Week 7: 151 (+1)
  • Pregnancy weight gain. The contradicting advice of "don't watch the scale" and "limit pregnancy weight gain for better outcomes", "eat when you're hungry" but "you don't need any extra calories during first trimester", "set health goals not weight goals" but "avoid gestational diabetes through diet and lifestyle…
  • Lots of things. I'm surprised to hear so many people saying never. Salads and greens of all kinds especially. I'd never eat a leaf of any kind of lettuce, kale, cabbage, chard, spinach, etc ever again if I didn't think it was healthy. I dislike wheat/whole grain. I dislike quinoa, oats, all beans with the exception of…
  • Maid! My house is filthy because I never prioritize cleaning.
  • 30-years-old 2nd pregnancy Height 5'6" SW: 150lbs Goal: 25lbs Week 4: 150 Week 5: 150 Week 6: 150
  • Yay!! February babies! My weight goal is to gain 25lbs like I did with my first which means aiming for maintenance 1st tri. I plan to continue going to crossfit twice weekly and jogging at least once weekly. Eating is going well so far- to deliver out of hospital I have to avoid gestational diabetes and pre-E so I'm…
  • 30-years-old 2nd pregnancy Height 5'6" SW: 150lbs Goal: 25lbs Week 4: 150 Week 5: 150
  • Knit, sew, garden, journal, read.
  • Height: 5'6" HW: 173lbs (when I was 9 months pregnant- this number that included 2 humans and water weight is kind of my reality check number) SW May: 149lbs (last week) Ultimate goal: 135lbs May goal: 144lbs 3rd May: 147lbs 8th May: 148lbs 15th May: 22nd May: 29th May: Well not exactly headed the right direction, but my…
  • Height: 5'6" HW: 173lbs (when I was 9 months pregnant- this number that included 2 humans and water weight is kind of my reality check number) SW May: 149lbs (last week) Ultimate goal: 135lbs May goal: 144lbs 3rd May: 147lbs 8th May: 15th May: 22nd May: 29th May: I want to participate. I had a debacle where I was reading…
  • I have been reading my scale incorrectly. It's analog with lines instead of digital. SW: 150 CW: 149 (not 144 dummy that's the center line not the 1/4 line) GW: 135 I feel so disappointed knowing the real numbers. Also this means I was higher than my SW and much higher than I thought a few weeks ago. I know I should take…
  • Thanks guys! Great ideas here and I think trying a combo and seeing what sticks might be best since life is unpredictable at this stage. I didn’t mean to make my husband out as less than equal- he does basically everything except clingy toddler and food prep: dishes, dog, laundry, daycare drop off and pick up. Maybe lose…
  • Things seem pretty fast and loose here- I'm just going to hop in. Height 5'6" SW 147 (last week) CW 145 (I think I'm mainly down bloat) GW 135 by July 1 I weighed 135 after my baby was born, lowest I've been since college, and I LOVED it! I was always trying to find excuses to take a pic, was so proud of how I looked with…
  • I'm über frugal and can't see spending much on fitness extras when really just getting the basics down is where most people need to start. At the same time, I really wanted to join in the fun, so I grabbed the Fitbit Flex2 on Facebook Marketplace for $20 (new in the box). I'm a proponent of starting small and upgrading in…
  • I have a full-time job, child, several hobbies, and I make all of our meals daily. If you time it, it's not actually faster to leave home and go through a drive-thru. I can cook burger patties and broccoli faster at home. For convenience I regularly cook large batches of dry beans in the crock-pot and freeze them in jars.…
  • Hell yes. Prepare my food and log my intake too!
  • Have you considered that some men like women who are confident, self-secure, and have their own thing going on? Reassuring someone who is always playing the comparison game is exhausting for others. My favorite people are the ones who know who they are, love themselves, and spend their energy enjoying their lives.
  • I drink black coffee every day. I have a toddler. I don't know how people survive sleep deprivation without coffee unless they're drinking a lot of caffeinated tea...
  • This is a tough one at my house too. We try to compromise. I buy my husband ice-cream flavors I don't find as tempting and only buy 1 half gallon so if I were to eat any, it wouldn't last him the week. I can't have chips in the house. I buy vanilla dipped Madeline cookies for him which don't tempt me in the least (vanilla-…
  • For me, yes. Any time I lose weight, it's obvious to me in my bra. When I gain weight, I gain in the bra. It may vary from person to person though...